On 3/26/20 5:19 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
> Hi Patrick,


> On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 09:57, Patrick DELAUNAY <patrick.delau...@st.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> From: Marek Vasut <ma...@denx.de>
>>> Sent: mercredi 25 mars 2020 00:39
>>> Hi,
>>> I was looking at the STM32MP1 boot time and I noticed it takes about 2 
>>> seconds
>>> to get to U-Boot.
>> Thanks for the feedback.
>> To be clear, the SPL is not the ST priority as we have many limitation 
>> (mainly on
>> power management) for the SPL boot chain (stm32mp15_basic_defconfig):
>> Rom code => SPL => U-Boot
>> The preconized boot chain for STM32MP1 is Rom code => TF-A => U-Boot
>> (stm32mp15_trusted_defconfg).
>>> One problem is the insane I2C timing calculation in stm32f7 i2c driver, 
>>> which is
>>> almost a mallocator and CPU stress test and takes about 1 second to 
>>> complete in
>>> SPL -- we need some simpler replacement for that, possibly the one in DWC 
>>> I2C
>>> driver might do?
>> Our first idea to manage this I2C settings (prescaler/timings setting) was 
>> to set this values
>> in device tree, but this binding was refused so this function 
>> stm32_i2c_choose_solution()
> Was the binding refused in linux? Could we add something
> U-Boot-specific then? I think having 'early' timings, etc. is very
> handy. We are doing this on x86.
> Of course it has traditionally been impossible to convince Linux
> people to add this sort of thing. Still, I think we should do it. Our
> U-Boot-specific files allow this.

Or reuse the DWC I2C driver timing calculation, which is real simple,
fast, and should be accurate enough.

>> provided the better settings for any input clock and I2C frequency (called 
>> for each probe).
>> But it is brutal and not optimum solution: try all the solution to found the 
>> better one.
>> And the performance problem of this loop (shared code between Linux / 
>> U-Boot/TF-A drivers)
>> had be already see/checked on ST side in TF-A context.
> We should be able to calculate it, like with dw-i2c.


>> We try to improve the solution, without success, but finally the performance 
>> issue
>> was solved by dcache activation in TF-A before to execute this loop.
> I would like to see patches to enable the cache. We did this some
> years ago in a Chromebook and it made a big difference. It is not that
> hard.

ACK. Why did the chromebook patches never make it upstream ?

>> But as in SPL the data cache is not activated, this loop has terrible 
>> performance.
>> We need to ding again of this topic for U-Boot point of view
>> (SPL & also in U-Boot, before relocation and after relocation) .
>> And I had shared this issue with the ST owner of this code.
>> For information, I add some trace and I get for same code execution on DK2 
>> board.
>> - 440ms in SPL (dcache OFF)
>> - 36ms in U-Boot (dcache ON)
>>> Another item I found is that, in U-Boot, initf_dm() takes about half a 
>>> second and so
>>> does serial_init(). I didn't dig into it to find out why, but I suspect it 
>>> has to do with
>>> the massive amount of UCLASSes the DM has to traverse OR with the CPU being
>>> slow at that point, as the clock driver didn't get probed just yet.
>>> Thoughts ?
>> Yes, it is the first parsing of device tree, and it is really slow... 
>> directly linked to device
>> tree size and libfdt.
> I wonder if we can improve this. There was a change to how the drivers
> were bound (changing the ordering). We could perhaps revert that for
> SPL.

Link ?


Best regards,
Marek Vasut

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