On 3/21/20 5:42 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
> Hi Marek,


> On Sat, 21 Mar 2020 at 09:09, Marek Vasut <ma...@denx.de> wrote:
>> On 3/21/20 3:12 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
>>> Hi Marek,
>>> On Wed, 11 Mar 2020 at 01:11, Marek Vasut <ma...@denx.de> wrote:
>>>> On 3/11/20 7:50 AM, Chunfeng Yun wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>> + * @u3_ctrl_p[x]: ip usb3 port x control register, only low 4bytes are 
>>>>> used
>>>>> + * @u2_ctrl_p[x]: ip usb2 port x control register, only low 4bytes are 
>>>>> used
>>>>> + * @u2_phy_pll: usb2 phy pll control register
>>>>> + */
>>>>> +struct mtk_ippc_regs {
>>>>> +     __le32 ip_pw_ctr0;
>>>>> +     __le32 ip_pw_ctr1;
>>>>> +     __le32 ip_pw_ctr2;
>>>> Please define the registers with #define macros , this struct-based
>>>> approach doesn't scale.
>>> What does this mean? I much prefer the struct approach, unless the
>>> registers move around in future generations.
>> This means I want to see #define MTK_XHCI_<register name> 0xf00
>> The struct based approach doesn't scale and on e.g. altera is causing us
>> a massive amount of problems now. It looked like a good idea back then,
>> but now it's a massive burden, so I don't want that to proliferate. And
>> here I would expect the registers to move around, just like everywhere else.
> That sounds like something that is easily avoided. For example,
> Designware doesn't seem to move things around.
> Perhaps MediaTek has a policy of not doing this either?

Such policies change as the hardware evolves. I got burned by this
struct-based approach more often then it was beneficial, if it ever
really was beneficial, hence I don't want to see it used.

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