On 3/11/20 7:50 AM, Chunfeng Yun wrote:
> + * @u3_ctrl_p[x]: ip usb3 port x control register, only low 4bytes are used
> + * @u2_ctrl_p[x]: ip usb2 port x control register, only low 4bytes are used
> + * @u2_phy_pll: usb2 phy pll control register
> + */
> +struct mtk_ippc_regs {
> +     __le32 ip_pw_ctr0;
> +     __le32 ip_pw_ctr1;
> +     __le32 ip_pw_ctr2;

Please define the registers with #define macros , this struct-based
approach doesn't scale.


> +static int xhci_mtk_host_enable(struct mtk_xhci *mtk)
> +{
> +     struct mtk_ippc_regs *ippc = mtk->ippc;
> +     u32 value, check_val;
> +     int ret;
> +     int i;
> +
> +     /* power on host ip */
> +     value = readl(&ippc->ip_pw_ctr1);
> +     value &= ~CTRL1_IP_HOST_PDN;
> +     writel(value, &ippc->ip_pw_ctr1);
> +
> +     /* power on and enable all u3 ports */
> +     for (i = 0; i < mtk->num_u3_ports; i++) {
> +             value = readl(&ippc->u3_ctrl_p[i]);
> +             value &= ~(CTRL_U3_PORT_PDN | CTRL_U3_PORT_DIS);
> +             value |= CTRL_U3_PORT_HOST_SEL;
> +             writel(value, &ippc->u3_ctrl_p[i]);
> +     }

Use clrsetbits_le32() above and below and where applicable.

> +     /* power on and enable all u2 ports */
> +     for (i = 0; i < mtk->num_u2_ports; i++) {
> +             value = readl(&ippc->u2_ctrl_p[i]);
> +             value &= ~(CTRL_U2_PORT_PDN | CTRL_U2_PORT_DIS);
> +             value |= CTRL_U2_PORT_HOST_SEL;
> +             writel(value, &ippc->u2_ctrl_p[i]);
> +     }


> +static int xhci_mtk_clks_enable(struct mtk_xhci *mtk)
> +{
> +     int ret;
> +
> +     ret = clk_enable(mtk->sys_clk);
> +     if (ret) {
> +             dev_err(mtk->dev, "failed to enable sys_clk\n");
> +             goto sys_clk_err;
> +     }

Can you use clk_enable_bulk() and other clk.*bulk functions ?

Best regards,
Marek Vasut

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