On 3/17/20 7:44 PM, JC Kuo wrote:
> Please refer to "Notes" section in p1337 of Tegra_X1_TRM_DP07225001_v1.3p.pdf.
> There are some implementation considerations for boot software.

OK, I assume you mean this note:

Boot loader should not enable hardware power sequencer. Boot loader
should enable the required PLLs in software controlled state.

That's interesting, since I explicitly added the code to program PLLE in
HW controlled mode after discussing with the relevant HW engineers the
need to clean up the programming sequence in the following pages, and it
was clearly communicated that this was in the context of a bootloader,
and they pointed out that the bootloader needed to enable HW control but
didn't. Sigh. I guess I should have read the sections prior to the
programming sequence too.

So I guess this change is OK, and since we have it downstream it seems
to operate OK in practice too.

Acked-by: Stephen Warren <swar...@nvidia.com>

> Thanks,
> JC
> On 3/18/20 1:44 AM, Tom Warren wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org> 
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 10:30 AM
>> To: Tom Warren <twar...@nvidia.com>
>> Cc: u-boot@lists.denx.de; Jui Chang Kuo <jc...@nvidia.com>
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH 2/5] t210: do not enable PLLE and UPHY PLL HW PWRSEQ
>> External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
>> On 3/16/20 1:40 PM, twar...@nvidia.com wrote:
>>> From: JC Kuo <jc...@nvidia.com>
>>> This commit removes the programming sequence that enables PLLE and 
>>> UPHY PLL hardware power sequencers. Per TRM, boot software should 
>>> enable PLLE and UPHY PLLs in software controlled power-on state and 
>>> should power down PLL before jumping into kernel or the next stage boot 
>>> software.
>>> Adds call to board_cleanup_before_linux to facilitate this.
>> This directly contradicts what's in Tegra_X1_TRM_DP07225001_v1.3p.pdf,
>> pages 1340/1341, which is what the code currently implements. Was a newer 
>> internal-only TRM published that changed the recommended programming flow?
>> [Tom] JC wrote this, I'll let him answer, but I'll check my TRM to see what 
>> the most recent version is. This code is exactly what we have in downstream 
>> T210 U-Boot.
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