Dear Reinhard Meyer,

On 10 August 2010 15:10, Reinhard Meyer <> wrote:
> Dear Minkyu Kang,
> my five cents:
>>>  #define REGL(addr)     (*(volatile unsigned int *)(REGBASE+addr))
>>>  #define REGW(addr)     (*(volatile unsigned short *)(REGBASE+addr))
>>>  #define REGB(addr)     (*(volatile unsigned char *)(REGBASE+addr))
> isn't that way of accessing hardware VERY depreciated?

Agreed, we need update for s3c44b0.
But, this patch is not for it.
I think, It would be another work.

>>> +#define BRD(bps)       (DIV_ROUND(CONFIG_S3C44B0_CLOCK_SPEED * 1000000,
>>> \
>>> > +                               (bps)*16) - 1)
>>no need brace and please add the space around the operator.
>>bps * 16) - 1)
> its always wise to () a macro parameter and not make assumptions on the
> parameters. What about BRD(9600+9600) ?

Yes, you're right!
Thanks (:

>>>  /*****************************/
>>>  /* CPU Wrapper Registers     */
> I think that version of multi-line comment is not allowed...

Yes, so I requested clean-up patch for this file.

> Best Regards, Reinhard

Minkyu Kang.
from. prom.
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