Hi Weijie,

On 2/13/20 10:09 AM, Mauro Condarelli wrote:
>>> +};
>>> diff --git a/arch/mips/mach-mtmips/Kconfig b/arch/mips/mach-mtmips/Kconfig
>>> index bcd635f438..489e466daf 100644
>>> --- a/arch/mips/mach-mtmips/Kconfig
>>> +++ b/arch/mips/mach-mtmips/Kconfig
>>> @@ -83,6 +83,13 @@ config BOARD_MT7628_RFB
>>>       SPI-NOR flash, 1 built-in switch with 5 ports, 1 UART, 1 USB host,
>>>       1 SDXC, 1 PCIe socket and JTAG pins.
>>> +config BOARD_VOCORE2
>>> +   bool "VoCore2"
>>> +   depends on SOC_MT7628
>>> +   help
>>> +     VoCore VoCore2 board has a MT7628 SoC with 128 MiB of RAM
>>> +     and 16 MiB of flash (SPI).
>>> +
>> if CONFIG_SPL_UART2_SPIS_PINMUX is the only uart pinmux used by the
>> board, you can add "select CONFIG_SPL_UART2_SPIS_PINMUX" here.
> I thought about this, but I was unsure.
> Will do in v6.

While testing this I noticed it's possible to select SPL_UART2_SPIS_PINMUX
*without* SPL_SERIAL_SUPPORT, leading to an invalid configuration.

IMHO we should have either a:
  "depends on SPL_SERIAL_SUPPORT"
or (perhaps better) a:
in definition of SPL_UART2_SPIS_PINMUX.

I can provide a separate patch as this is not board-specific, but it seems
to be Your call.

Alternatively I can add "select SPL_SERIAL_SUPPORT" to my board
definition, but this doesn't look right to me.

Please advise.

Many Thanks

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