Hi Joel,

On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 01:01:56PM -0700, Joel Johnson wrote:
> Switch to explicitly using the Pro variant DT, which has been
> available since Linux 4.11.
> ---
> v4 changes:
>   - new
> v5 changes:
>   - none
> I separated out this change to the end of the series since it drew
> questioning on prior review. I'd still advocate for making the change,
> since especially with the additions of static variants and runtime
> detection, it becomes easier from within a booted kernel to identify the
> type and version of U-Boot image installed. Without making this change,
> it becomes less direct to determine an actual Pro vs. Base, vs old
> U-Boot image maybe supporting some hybrid variant configuration.
> Even in the Linux kernel adding of the Pro DTS, it is indicated that it
> was meant for backwards compatibility.
> Except for cases where checking is done directly against the product
> name from userspace, I don't see downsides even from a compatibility
> perspective for not making this change. In cases where checking *is*
> done from userspace, the broadening of the Clearfog product line would
> seem to mean that userspace checking should be flagged as needing to be
> udpated as well (or glob/regex matched as needed).
One downside I see is that boot of kernels older than 4.11 will fail. But 
maybe since we already assume a newer kernel for armada-388-clearfog-base.dtb 
we can do that for -pro as well.

By the way, does env_set() override the stored environment?


> Signed-off-by: Joel Johnson <mrj...@lixil.net>
> ---
>  board/solidrun/clearfog/clearfog.c | 2 +-
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/board/solidrun/clearfog/clearfog.c 
> b/board/solidrun/clearfog/clearfog.c
> index 4170fd4775..c31cfcb242 100644
> --- a/board/solidrun/clearfog/clearfog.c
> +++ b/board/solidrun/clearfog/clearfog.c
> @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ int board_late_init(void)
>               env_set("fdtfile", "armada-388-clearfog-base.dtb");
>       else
> -             env_set("fdtfile", "armada-388-clearfog.dtb");
> +             env_set("fdtfile", "armada-388-clearfog-pro.dtb");
>       return 0;
>  }

     http://baruch.siach.name/blog/                  ~. .~   Tk Open Systems
   - bar...@tkos.co.il - tel: +972.2.679.5364, http://www.tkos.co.il -

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