
Le 02/08/2010 05:35, Prafulla Wadaskar a écrit :

> I tried tweaking MPP setup for SATA related stuff, it's multiplexed with UART 
> and other I/Os (NAND),
> What I observed: if I boot kernel with sata support, kernel sata driver works 
> properly and I can detect and use IDE devices.
> So I doubt MPP, I don't know kernel (latest stable) overrides MPP settings 
> done by u-boot?? We can get some reference from there.

I went the low level route and compared MPP / GPIO settings (content of 
0xf1010000, 0xf1010100, 0xf1010140) at original U-boot start and at 
(patched) mainline u-boot start: three MPPs are set up differently, 
namely MPP13 and 14 (original had UART 1 signals, mainline has SD 
signals) and MPP29 (original had TS MP[9], mainline has GPIO).

I have taken the OpenRD schematics from GlobalScale Technologies, and I 
have found no indication that these signals have anything to do with SATA.

Also, I have noticed that 'ide reset' may work on kirkwood dependending 
on conditions yet imprecise, possibly related to whether an 'ide reset' 
was already done from the original u-boot; also there are times when I 
get garbled console output or no console at all.

These random issues could come from the fact I use OpenOCD to reset the 
Open-RD client, set up the RAM and upload and run the u-boot image, 
rather than rely on the kwbimage process -- that's because I don't want 
to flash to NAND until I am sure the boot loader works enough -- and 
there may be initialization differences between the kwbimage wrapper and 
the OpenOCD init script. I'll have a look at that too, just in case.

As for the ATAPI issue as such, I'll try adding a delay between the 
writes within the port initialization function, although I could find no 
indication in the 88F6281 specs that such a delay is required or what 
order of duration it should have.

I'll post my results at end of day today.

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