Hi Mauro,
On 11.01.20 20:00, Mauro Condarelli wrote:
I managed to find ONE of the reasons why my ROM build didn't run:
I forgot to enable `CONFIG_BOARD_EARLY_INIT_F=y`.
I see. This explains of course, why your board does not boot without
any "preloader".
I wanted, nonetheless, be prepared for further mishaps, but
I have some other problems (see below).
Are these issues now fixed? I scanned the discussion about the DEBUG
UART on the list. Is this working for you now or do you have any other
issues still? Did you successfully boot your new U-Boot from SPI NOR?
You might also want to give the new version / patches from Weijie
a try. He added SPL support and a "cleaner" init code for this SoC.
I'm interested in giving it a spin (and help debugging on another HW,
if needed), but I would like to have a solid base from where to move,
changing too many things at once is rarely a good strategy ;)
I fully agree.