On Thu, 19 Dec 2019 13:58:24 +0100
Daniel Schwierzeck <daniel.schwierz...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Daniel,

> Am 19.12.19 um 12:42 schrieb Andre Przywara:
> > On Thu, 19 Dec 2019 12:32:06 +0100
> > Daniel Schwierzeck <daniel.schwierz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Daniel,
> > 
> > many thanks for your valuable comments! Do you have access to a MIPS board 
> > using a GENETv5 MAC? I would be very curious to see if the driver works 
> > there, and am happy to make adjustments.  
> No, I have not. I was only triggered by your commit message that this
> MAC is also used on some MIPS based Broadcom SoC's ;)

Well, actually I am not sure about it, I just saw *previous* generations (up to 
v3) used in MIPS .dts files in the kernel. Might as well be that v5 was never 
used with a MIPS core.
> > Does your board use a PHY connected via RGMII? Because this is something we 
> > are relying on at the moment. But without any ways of testing this I'd 
> > rather not support other transports at this time.
> > 
> > I think your points below are all valid, so thanks for bringing this up. 
> > Will test this later on and post a v2 in due time then.
> >   
> We had a similar scenario a few months ago, where a newly supported ARM
> based Broadcom SoC could simply reuse various drivers initially added
> for MIPS based Broadcom SoC's. So if someone wants to use your driver
> with a MIPS based Broadcom SoC in the future, likely some tweaking of
> the driver is required. But at least the basic cross-arch compatibility
> should be given.

Yeah, and especially the fdt vs. ofnode comments were very justified.

One thing I was wondering about: on ARM the bus is always little-endian, 
regardless of the current CPU state. That's why we routinely use _le32 function 
for hardware accesses. A comment in the Linux driver[1] suggests that this is 
not the case for MIPS, do you know anything about it?
I used the native endian version as you suggested, as I am not aware that 
anyone is running U-Boot in BE on ARM.

So I addressed your comments already, you can have a look here [2] (top three 
I will try if I can fix some of the known shortcomings (PHY timeout etc) before 
posting a v2.


[2] https://github.com/apritzel/u-boot/commits/rpi4-eth

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