Hi Peng,

I am trying to boot the latest U-Boot mainline on a imx8qxp mek board
and this is what I get:

U-Boot SPL 2020.01-rc5-00001-g3dd6a9300b-dirty (Dec 17 2019 - 12:33:57 -0300)
Normal Boot
WDT:   Not found!
Trying to boot from MMC2_2
Load image from MMC/SD 0x46800

U-Boot 2020.01-rc5-00001-g3dd6a9300b-dirty (Dec 17 2019 - 12:33:57 -0300)

CPU:   NXP i.MX8QXP RevB A35 at 1200 MHz at 31C

Model: Freescale i.MX8QXP MEK
Board: iMX8QXP MEK
Build: SCFW 550f3079, SECO-FW d7523fe8, ATF f92d379
Boot:  SD1
DRAM:  3 GiB
Failed to enable ipg clk
Loading Environment from MMC... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In:    serial@5a060000
Out:   serial@5a060000
Err:   serial@5a060000
Net:   Failed to enable ipg clk

Error: ethernet@5b040000 address not set.

(It hangs here).

I am using the SC and seco firmware from the 4.19.35 release.

Here is the updated README that I am following:

Any ideas as to how to fix this boot problem?


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