Hello, SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause might be wrong in the following 4 files from Android Open Source Project (AOSP):
include/android_bootloader_message.h include/sparse_format.h include/dt_table.h include/android_image.h As you can see in the comments the content is from AOSP. But these files have Apache License, Version 2.0 in AOSP: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bootable/recovery/+/master/bootloader_message/include/bootloader_message/bootloader_message.h https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/core/+/28fa5bc347390480fe190294c6c385b6a9f0d68b/libsparse/sparse_format.h https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/libufdt/+/2626d8b9e4d8e8c6cc67ceb1dc4e05a47779785c/utils/src/dt_table.h https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/tools/mkbootimg/+/e55998a0f2b61b685d5eb4a486ca3a0c680b1a2f/include/bootimg/bootimg.h I am afraid, that there could be a license compatibility problem with creating one binary from both source files with GPL2-only license and source files with Apache 2 license. Am I wrong? Is it possible to re-license from Apache 2 to BSD 3 license if there are only simple structs and defines in those files? With best regards, Zdenek Bouska Siemens, s.r.o. Internet of Things Development Services IOT DS EU CZ AE Siemensova 1 155 00 Prague 13, Czech Republic zdenek.bou...@siemens.com<mailto:zdenek.bou...@siemens.com> [cid:image003.png@01D5A3B2.56B02BF0] Siemens, s.r.o. - CEO: Ing. Eduard Palíšek, Ph.D., MBA, CFO: Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Axmann - registered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court in Prague, Sec. C, File 625 Registered office: Siemensova 1, 155 00 Prague 13, Czech Republic IČ: 00268577, DIČ: CZ00268577, ID of data box: h6vchd6, Bank connection: UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., Želetavská 1525/1, 140 92 Prague 4, Czech Republic; Acc. Nr. CZK: 1013384001/2700, Acc. Nr. EUR: 1013384394/2700 Important Note: This message is only of informative nature. The content of this message shall not be binding for sender and sender does neither intend to conclude contract, accept offer or confirm the conclusion of the contract by this message nor this message represents pre-contractual liability of the sender, unless the sender states in the message excplicitly otherwise. The content of this message (including appendices) shall be confidential. Should you are not intended receiver of this message, any access, copying, distribution or use of the content of this message is strictly prohibited and in such case, please immediately notify the sender and subsequently delete the entire message (including apppendices) from your system.
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