> -----Original Message-----
> From: Albert ARIBAUD [mailto:albert.arib...@free.fr] 
> Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 5:06 PM
> To: Prafulla Wadaskar
> Cc: u-boot@lists.denx.de
> Subject: Re: [U-Boot] [PATCH 1/4] ARM: Rename kirkwood_egiga 
> driver to egiga
> Le 05/07/2010 13:02, Prafulla Wadaskar a écrit :
> > if it is generic gigabit Ethernet driver abstraction, could 
> be applicable to any kind of SOC then the same egiga is 
> relevant. which is not the case here
> > if it is Marvell specific then the name should be like- mv_egiga
> As it is Marvell-IP specific, I'll rename it to mv_egiga.
> > I think we should sync on the arch first, that would same 
> lot of coding/review efforts
> > I have below mentioned architecture for this driver -
> > 1. Abstract generic SoC independent driver skeleton into 
> mv"_egiga.c/h
> > 2. Abstract and put Kirkwood specific functions is 
> arch/arm/cpu/kirkwood/egiga.c
> > 3. Create and put Orion specific functions is 
> arch/arm/cpu/orion5x/egiga.c
> > 4. Use common APIs/Macros to call SoC specific functions in 
> generic driver
> > 5. same strategy should be applied for header files abstraction.
> Agree.
> > there should be generic CONFIG to address this build, and 
> > should address its SOC specific dependency, you have done 
> this in patch 3/4
> Yes, I have. Do you mean you would prefer everything--file renaming, 
> symbol renaming--in a single commit?

Ideally, patch should be small as per functionality and objective,
 that gives better understanding even for someone who is not directly related.
 also it is easier to be get accepted acked faster.

I feel you should create a patches as below:

standalone patches
1. kirkwood_egiga: Updates: using global data ptr for DRAM configuration and 
cosmetic fix
2. edbiniv2: board configuration cleanup and enhancements

patch series:
1. [1/5] net: rename: kirkwood_egiga as mv_egiga
2. [2/5] net: mv_egiga: Split SoC specific (Kirkwood) code to support other SoCs
3. [3/5] net: mv_egiga: add support for orion5x gigabit Ethernet controller
5. [4/5] net" mv_egiga: bugfix: DMA issued fixed using volatile
5. [5/5] edminiv2: add Ethernet support

Prafulla. .
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