Le 05/07/2010 13:02, Prafulla Wadaskar a écrit :

> if it is generic gigabit Ethernet driver abstraction, could be applicable to 
> any kind of SOC then the same egiga is relevant. which is not the case here
> if it is Marvell specific then the name should be like- mv_egiga

As it is Marvell-IP specific, I'll rename it to mv_egiga.

> I think we should sync on the arch first, that would same lot of 
> coding/review efforts
> I have below mentioned architecture for this driver -
> 1. Abstract generic SoC independent driver skeleton into mv"_egiga.c/h
> 2. Abstract and put Kirkwood specific functions is 
> arch/arm/cpu/kirkwood/egiga.c
> 3. Create and put Orion specific functions is arch/arm/cpu/orion5x/egiga.c
> 4. Use common APIs/Macros to call SoC specific functions in generic driver
> 5. same strategy should be applied for header files abstraction.


> there should be generic CONFIG to address this build, and 
> should address its SOC specific dependency, you have done this in patch 3/4

Yes, I have. Do you mean you would prefer everything--file renaming, 
symbol renaming--in a single commit?

> As suggested by Ben rest should be rename activity than delete/add for 1/x 
> patch


Thanks for the feedback. I'll provide an updated patchset once I get 
your answer to my question above.

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