The comments in the FSP code use a different style from the rest of the
x86 code. I am not sure it this is intentional.
Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

Changes in v2: None

 arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h  | 42 ++++++++++++-------------
 arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_support.h | 30 ++++++++++++------
 arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h              | 18 +++++------
 arch/x86/lib/hob.c                      |  8 ++---
 4 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h 
index 0ecd5cb6c5d..8d29f9f5e4b 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp/fsp_support.h
@@ -23,98 +23,98 @@ struct fspinit_rtbuf;
 struct fsp_config_data;
- * Find FSP header offset in FSP image
+ * fsp_find_header() - Find FSP header offset in FSP image
- * @retval: the offset of FSP header. If signature is invalid, returns 0.
+ * @return the offset of FSP header. If signature is invalid, returns 0.
 struct fsp_header *fsp_find_header(void);
- * FSP notification wrapper function
+ * fsp_notify() - FSP notification wrapper function
  * @fsp_hdr: Pointer to FSP information header
  * @phase:   FSP initialization phase defined in enum fsp_phase
- * @retval:  compatible status code with EFI_STATUS defined in PI spec
+ * @return compatible status code with EFI_STATUS defined in PI spec
 u32 fsp_notify(struct fsp_header *fsp_hdr, u32 phase);
- * This function retrieves the top of usable low memory.
+ * fsp_get_usable_lowmem_top() - retrieves the top of usable low memory
  * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
- * @retval:   Usable low memory top.
+ * @return Usable low memory top.
 u32 fsp_get_usable_lowmem_top(const void *hob_list);
- * This function retrieves the top of usable high memory.
+ * fsp_get_usable_highmem_top() - retrieves the top of usable high memory
  * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
- * @retval:   Usable high memory top.
+ * @return Usable high memory top.
 u64 fsp_get_usable_highmem_top(const void *hob_list);
- * This function retrieves a special reserved memory region.
+ * fsp_get_reserved_mem_from_guid() - retrieves a special reserved memory 
  * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
  * @len:      A pointer to the GUID HOB data buffer length.
  *            If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
  * @guid:     A pointer to the owner guild.
- * @retval:   Reserved region start address.
+ * @return Reserved region start address.
  *            0 if this region does not exist.
 u64 fsp_get_reserved_mem_from_guid(const void *hob_list,
                                   u64 *len, const efi_guid_t *guid);
- * This function retrieves the FSP reserved normal memory.
+ * fsp_get_fsp_reserved_mem() - retrieves the FSP reserved normal memory
  * @hob_list: A HOB list pointer.
  * @len:      A pointer to the FSP reserved memory length buffer.
  *            If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
- * @retval:   FSP reserved memory base
+ * @return FSP reserved memory base
  *            0 if this region does not exist.
 u32 fsp_get_fsp_reserved_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
- * This function retrieves the TSEG reserved normal memory.
+ * fsp_get_tseg_reserved_mem() - retrieves the TSEG reserved normal memory
  * @hob_list:      A HOB list pointer.
  * @len:           A pointer to the TSEG reserved memory length buffer.
  *                 If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
- * @retval NULL:   Failed to find the TSEG reserved memory.
- * @retval others: TSEG reserved memory base.
+ * @return NULL:   Failed to find the TSEG reserved memory.
+ * @return others: TSEG reserved memory base.
 u32 fsp_get_tseg_reserved_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
- * This function retrieves FSP Non-volatile Storage HOB buffer and size.
+ * fsp_get_nvs_data() - retrieves FSP Non-volatile Storage HOB buffer and size
  * @hob_list:      A HOB list pointer.
  * @len:           A pointer to the NVS data buffer length.
  *                 If the HOB is located, the length will be updated.
- * @retval NULL:   Failed to find the NVS HOB.
- * @retval others: FSP NVS data buffer pointer.
+ * @return NULL:   Failed to find the NVS HOB.
+ * @return others: FSP NVS data buffer pointer.
 void *fsp_get_nvs_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
- * This function retrieves graphics information.
+ * fsp_get_graphics_info() - retrieves graphics information.
  * @hob_list:      A HOB list pointer.
  * @len:           A pointer to the graphics info HOB length.
  *                 If the HOB is located, the length will be updated.
- * @retval NULL:   Failed to find the graphics info HOB.
- * @retval others: A pointer to struct hob_graphics_info.
+ * @return NULL:   Failed to find the graphics info HOB.
+ * @return others: A pointer to struct hob_graphics_info.
 void *fsp_get_graphics_info(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_support.h 
index 15c3a462e2e..236c167fc86 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_support.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/fsp1/fsp_support.h
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
 #include "fsp_ffs.h"
- * FSP Continuation assembly helper routine
+ * fsp_asm_continuation() - FSP Continuation assembly helper routine
  * This routine jumps to the C version of FSP continuation function
 void fsp_asm_continuation(void);
- * FSP initialization complete
+ * fsp_init_done() - FSP initialization complete
  * This is the function that indicates FSP initialization is complete and jumps
  * back to the bootloader with HOB list pointer as the parameter.
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ void fsp_asm_continuation(void);
 void fsp_init_done(void *hob_list);
- * FSP Continuation function
+ * fsp_continue() - FSP Continuation function
  * @status:      Always 0
  * @hob_list:    HOB list pointer
- * @retval:      Never returns
+ * @return Never returns
 void fsp_continue(u32 status, void *hob_list);
- * FSP initialization wrapper function.
+ * fsp_init() - FSP initialization wrapper function
  * @stack_top: bootloader stack top address
  * @boot_mode: boot mode defined in fsp_bootmode.h
@@ -47,24 +47,34 @@ void fsp_continue(u32 status, void *hob_list);
 void fsp_init(u32 stack_top, u32 boot_mode, void *nvs_buf);
- * This function retrieves Bootloader temporary stack buffer and size.
+ * fsp_notify() - FSP notification wrapper function
+ *
+ * @fsp_hdr: Pointer to FSP information header
+ * @phase:   FSP initialization phase defined in enum fsp_phase
+ *
+ * @return compatible status code with EFI_STATUS defined in PI spec
+ */
+u32 fsp_notify(struct fsp_header *fsp_hdr, u32 phase);
+ * fsp_get_bootloader_tmp_mem() - retrieves temporary stack buffer and size
  * @hob_list:      A HOB list pointer.
  * @len:           A pointer to the bootloader temporary stack length.
  *                 If the HOB is located, the length will be updated.
- * @retval NULL:   Failed to find the bootloader temporary stack HOB.
- * @retval others: Bootloader temporary stackbuffer pointer.
+ * @return NULL:   Failed to find the bootloader temporary stack HOB.
+ * @return others: Bootloader temporary stackbuffer pointer.
 void *fsp_get_bootloader_tmp_mem(const void *hob_list, u32 *len);
- * This function overrides the default configurations of FSP.
+ * fsp_update_configs() - overrides the default configurations of FSP
  * @config:  A pointer to the FSP configuration data structure
  * @rt_buf:  A pointer to the FSP runtime buffer data structure
- * @return:  None
+ * @return None
 void fsp_update_configs(struct fsp_config_data *config,
                        struct fspinit_rtbuf *rt_buf);
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h
index b4239821aaa..72151ea045e 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/hob.h
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ struct hob_guid {
  * @hdr:    A pointer to a HOB.
- * @return: A pointer to the next HOB in the HOB list.
+ * @return A pointer to the next HOB in the HOB list.
 static inline const struct hob_header *get_next_hob(const struct hob_header
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ static inline const struct hob_header *get_next_hob(const 
struct hob_header
  * @hdr:          A pointer to a HOB.
- * @retval true:  The HOB specified by hdr is the last HOB in the HOB list.
- * @retval false: The HOB specified by hdr is not the last HOB in the HOB list.
+ * @return true:  The HOB specified by hdr is the last HOB in the HOB list.
+ * @return false: The HOB specified by hdr is not the last HOB in the HOB list.
 static inline bool end_of_hob(const struct hob_header *hdr)
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ static inline bool end_of_hob(const struct hob_header *hdr)
  * @hdr:    A pointer to a HOB.
- * @return: A pointer to the data buffer in a HOB.
+ * @return A pointer to the data buffer in a HOB.
 static inline void *get_guid_hob_data(const struct hob_header *hdr)
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ static inline void *get_guid_hob_data(const struct 
hob_header *hdr)
  * @hdr:    A pointer to a HOB.
- * @return: The size of the data buffer.
+ * @return The size of the data buffer.
 static inline u16 get_guid_hob_data_size(const struct hob_header *hdr)
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ static inline u16 get_guid_hob_data_size(const struct 
hob_header *hdr)
  * @type:     HOB type to search
  * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
- * @retval:   A HOB object with matching type; Otherwise NULL.
+ *@return A HOB object with matching type; Otherwise NULL.
 const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_hob(uint type, const void *hob_list);
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_hob(uint type, const 
void *hob_list);
  * @guid:     GUID to search
  * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
- * @retval:   A HOB object with matching GUID; Otherwise NULL.
+ *@return A HOB object with matching GUID; Otherwise NULL.
 const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_guid_hob(const efi_guid_t *guid,
                                               const void *hob_list);
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_guid_hob(const 
efi_guid_t *guid,
  *                 If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
  * @guid           A pointer to HOB GUID.
- * @retval NULL:   Failed to find the GUID HOB.
- * @retval others: GUID HOB data buffer pointer.
+ * @return NULL:   Failed to find the GUID HOB.
+ * @return others: GUID HOB data buffer pointer.
 void *hob_get_guid_hob_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len,
                            const efi_guid_t *guid);
diff --git a/arch/x86/lib/hob.c b/arch/x86/lib/hob.c
index dcee29b04cf..f2c47240ee8 100644
--- a/arch/x86/lib/hob.c
+++ b/arch/x86/lib/hob.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  * @type:     HOB type to search
  * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
- * @retval:   A HOB object with matching type; Otherwise NULL.
+ * @return A HOB object with matching type; Otherwise NULL.
 const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_hob(uint type, const void *hob_list)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_hob(uint type, const 
void *hob_list)
  * @guid:     GUID to search
  * @hob_list: A pointer to the HOB list
- * @retval:   A HOB object with matching GUID; Otherwise NULL.
+ * @return A HOB object with matching GUID; Otherwise NULL.
 const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_guid_hob(const efi_guid_t *guid,
                                               const void *hob_list)
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ const struct hob_header *hob_get_next_guid_hob(const 
efi_guid_t *guid,
  *                 If the GUID HOB is located, the length will be updated.
  * @guid           A pointer to HOB GUID.
- * @retval NULL:   Failed to find the GUID HOB.
- * @retval others: GUID HOB data buffer pointer.
+ * @return NULL:   Failed to find the GUID HOB.
+ * @return others: GUID HOB data buffer pointer.
 void *hob_get_guid_hob_data(const void *hob_list, u32 *len,
                            const efi_guid_t *guid)

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