
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 16:40:19, Sudhakar Rajashekhara wrote:
> Hi,
> Spectrum digital has two versions of DM6467 EVM, DM6467 and DM6467T.
> Though there are some video related differences between these two boards,
> from U-Boot perspective the only difference the developer need to worry
> is the different oscillator frequency. DM6467 has 27MHz crystal but
> DM6467T has 33MHz crystal. Both these EVMs are registered as two different
> boards in mach-types.h. Existing U-Boot has support DM6467 EVM which has
> 27MHz crystal. How should I go about adding support for DM6467T EVM which
> has 33MHz crystal? Do I need to add a new configuration file for this or
> can I make use of the existing configuration file in any way?
> One method I was aware of was, using some scripting from the top level
> Makefile but I believe this is not recommended.

Any other method of achieving this?


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