Hi, Spectrum digital has two versions of DM6467 EVM, DM6467 and DM6467T. Though there are some video related differences between these two boards, from U-Boot perspective the only difference the developer need to worry is the different oscillator frequency. DM6467 has 27MHz crystal but DM6467T has 33MHz crystal. Both these EVMs are registered as two different boards in mach-types.h. Existing U-Boot has support DM6467 EVM which has 27MHz crystal. How should I go about adding support for DM6467T EVM which has 33MHz crystal? Do I need to add a new configuration file for this or can I make use of the existing configuration file in any way?
One method I was aware of was, using some scripting from the top level Makefile but I believe this is not recommended. Thanks in advance, Sudhakar _______________________________________________ U-Boot mailing list U-Boot@lists.denx.de http://lists.denx.de/mailman/listinfo/u-boot