>-----Original Message-----
>From: Z.q. Hou
>Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 9:00 AM
>To: u-boot@lists.denx.de; Prabhakar Kushwaha
><prabhakar.kushw...@nxp.com>; alexm.ossl...@gmail.com;
>Cc: Z.q. Hou <zhiqiang....@nxp.com>
>Subject: [PATCHv3] armv8: fsl-layerscape: Fix a typo of Layerscape PCIe config
>From: Hou Zhiqiang <zhiqiang....@nxp.com>
>The correct config entry is CONFIG_PCIE_LAYERSCAPE and this typo results in
>skipping the fixup of Linux PCIe DT nodes.
>Also enable the fixup when Layerscape Gen4 controller driver is enabled.
>Fixes: 4da0e52c9dc0 (armv8: fsl-layerscape: fix config dependency for
>layerscape pci code)
>Signed-off-by: Hou Zhiqiang <zhiqiang....@nxp.com>
>Reviewed-by: Bin Meng <bmeng...@gmail.com[] >

Applied to fsl-qoriq master, awaiting upstream.

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