On Thu, 10 Jun 2010 15:08:00 +0530
Tanmay Upadhyay <tanmay.upadh...@einfochips.com> wrote:

> >> +#define MACH_TYPE_OPENRD_ULTIMATE      2884
> >>      
> > I don't think this file is supposed to be edited in patches, but rather
> > synched from arm-linux by Wolfgang from time to time.
> Sorry, I didn't know about that. However, as the number is already 
> registered, is that ok to have it here?

Probably Wolfgang or Tom Rix (the ARM maintainer) can synch it if you
ask them to.

> I agree with you. But auto-generated 'config.h' file includes 
> <board_name.h>. So there has to be one for each board. However, there 
> could be one 'openrd.h'  in the configs and three board specific files 
> include it. This will increase the number of files, but would decrease 
> LOC. What do you think?

Personally I'd prefer to keep the common parts in a common file, so I'd
vote for that solution.

// Simon
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