Hi Peng, Ye, Peter,

Currently there in no any usb host/gadget support in the mainline
U-boot, and seems that no one has posted anything yet to the mailing
list (at least I haven't found anything related to this in the ML

I've spent some time testing (usb host, ums etc.) the one in the
downstream NXP U-boot (I'm still not sure where is the official NXP
downstream rep, because there are no any updates in [1] for the last
two years, so I looked into [2], [3]), and just curious if there any
plans to get it upstreamed in the near future?

Thanks and looking forward to your reply!

[1] http://git.freescale.com/git/cgit.cgi/imx/uboot-imx.git

Best regards - Freundliche Grüsse - Meilleures salutations

Igor Opaniuk

mailto: igor.opan...@gmail.com
skype: igor.opanyuk
+380 (93) 836 40 67
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