Hi Lucan,

> Dear sir, madam,
> Our product uses the i.MX 6SoloX SOC with a Cortex A9 and M4, U-Boot
> runs on the A9 and boots Linux. But before booting Linux it executes
> the 'bootaux 0x7F800' command to boot the M4. However, Linux is
> unable to initialize the USB when this command is executed.
> This problem persist when:
> - there is no binary loaded on the M4 (and thus it is not code on the
> M4 that's breaking the USB);
> - the bootaux command is called with a different address (and thus
> not it is not booting the M4 that's breaking the USB).
> The problem is solved when the bootaux command is removed from the
> boot sequence.

This is very strange. I thought that bootaux loads the binary to memory
and points Cortex-M's PC to it.

> However, this way only the A9 boots and we would like
> to boot the M4 as well.
> Our U-Boot version is: 2015.04-master+gc75e0f3

Would there be any chance to check newest master ?

> We are currently looking into different ways to boot the M4 from
> Linux instead of U-Boot, however we were hoping you could help us too.

I do have a HW with NXP's Vybrid SoC (Cortex-A5 and M3). However, my
used case doesn't require loading M3 firmware.

> Hope te hear from you soon,
> Lucan de Groot
> Embedded Software Engineer
> + 31 (0)6 409 170 21
> lucan.degr...@quby.com  | www.quby.com<http://www.quby.com/> |
> subscribe to our newsletter<https://mailchi.mp/66cc8a1f175c/subscribe>
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Best regards,

Lukasz Majewski


DENX Software Engineering GmbH,      Managing Director: Wolfgang Denk
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-59 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: lu...@denx.de

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