Dear sir, madam,

Our product uses the i.MX 6SoloX SOC with a Cortex A9 and M4, U-Boot runs on 
the A9 and boots Linux. But before booting Linux it executes the 'bootaux 
0x7F800' command to boot the M4. However, Linux is unable to initialize the USB 
when this command is executed.

This problem persist when:

- there is no binary loaded on the M4 (and thus it is not code on the M4 that's 
breaking the USB);

- the bootaux command is called with a different address (and thus not it is 
not booting the M4 that's breaking the USB).

The problem is solved when the bootaux command is removed from the boot 
sequence. However, this way only the A9 boots and we would like to boot the M4 
as well.

Our U-Boot version is: 2015.04-master+gc75e0f3

We are currently looking into different ways to boot the M4 from Linux instead 
of U-Boot, however we were hoping you could help us too.

Hope te hear from you soon,

Lucan de Groot
Embedded Software Engineer
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