On May 27, 2010, at 8:20 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> Dear Kumar Gala,
> In message <7d2ba6a1-2eef-4bf5-8b76-07ad55537...@kernel.crashing.org> you 
> wrote:
>>> i. e. the highest number is at the lowest address??
>> Correct, that is matching FSL HW docs numbering/naming.
>> in the .dts the alias:
>> * "pci0" is @ 0x8000 - FSL HW calls it PCIE3
>> * "pci1" is @ 0x9000 - FSL HW calls it PCIE2
>> * "pci2" is @ 0xa000 - FSL HW calls it PCIE1
> IMHO there were several decisions that I would not exactly call
> intelligent - the first to assign HW names in descending order, and
> the second to chose a different order for the bus names.
> Now we sit here and have to suffer from this :-(

Agree on both fronts.

- k
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