Hi TF,
first, thanks for taking time to continue having the discussion around
this patch series.

On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 05:40:59AM +0000, Chee, Tien Fong wrote:
> On Thu, 2019-05-16 at 15:54 -0500, Andreas Dannenberg wrote:
> > To give us more flexibility using the FS loader eliminate the need of
> > always having to use the ENV to configure the block device but rather
> > allow the respective block device and partition to be setup through
> > platform data.
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Andreas Dannenberg <dannenb...@ti.com>
> Why not using DT method?

We would like to use a single U-Boot build to support all of the
different boot modes (boot media) a given device supports. In case of
this RFC series this is really distilled down to only mmc0 and mmc1 but
this already illustrates the point. The patch 05/11 shows how
spl_boot_device() is used to make the MMC probing dependent on the boot
device mmc0 vs mmc1. So hard-coding in DT will lose this flexibility. Of
course there would be ways out such as dynamically updating DTS or to
extend the FS loader probe function to select from multiple DTS nodes
based on boot device, but all would come at a cost of additional memory

Andreas Dannenberg
Texas Instruments Inc
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