Hei hei,

my use of git send-email messed up my original cc list, so I add Eugen
as maintainer for at91 here. I have some additional comments below.

On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 02:25:54PM +0100, Alexander Dahl wrote:
> The not working check on the SAMA5D2 CPU lead to an issue on a custom
> board with a LAN8720A ethernet phy connected to the SoC:

I'm not sure if those macros for checking on certain cpu types are a
good solution at all, other code parts seem to distinguish things by
CONFIG_* variables.

> The real issue on reliably detecting the features of that cadence
> ethernet mac IP block, is probably more complicated, though.

The Linux kernel driver sets cap flags based on the dt compat strings.
I consider that a good approach in general, but I don't know if that's
a way for the U-Boot driver model, too?


/"\ ASCII RIBBON | »With the first link, the chain is forged. The first
\ / CAMPAIGN     | speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the
 X  AGAINST      | first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.«
/ \ HTML MAIL    | (Jean-Luc Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie)

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