Hi all,

I have found something I don't undertand in the codebase, and I hope
someone here can help me out a bit.

I am currently working in a board which uses a MPC8247 processor
(which belongs to the 8272 family) and I was trying to allocate space
from the built-in dual port RAM when I found out the following piece
of code in arch/powerpc/include/asm/cpm_8260.h

  79 /* Dual Port RAM addresses.  The first 16K is available for almost
  80  * any CPM use, so we put the BDs there.  The first 128 bytes are
  81  * used for SMC1 and SMC2 parameter RAM, so we start allocating
  82  * BDs above that.  All of this must change when we start
  83  * downloading RAM microcode.
  84  */
  85 #define CPM_DATAONLY_BASE       ((uint)128)
  86 #define CPM_DP_NOSPACE          ((uint)0x7fffffff)
  87 #ifndef CONFIG_MPC8272_FAMILY
  88 #define CPM_DATAONLY_SIZE       ((uint)(8 * 1024) - CPM_DATAONLY_BASE)
  89 #define CPM_FCC_SPECIAL_BASE    ((uint)0x0000b000)
  90 #else  /* 8247/48/71/72 */
  91 #define CPM_DATAONLY_SIZE       ((uint)(4 * 1024) - CPM_DATAONLY_BASE)
  92 #define CPM_FCC_SPECIAL_BASE    ((uint)0x00009000)
  93 #endif /* !CONFIG_MPC8272_FAMILY */

I needed to allocate exactly 4*1024 bytes but, as it is decribed in
that file, the maximum allowed memory is (4*1024) - 128 for
MPC8272_FAMILY processors

I opened up the specs of the processor and in 13.5 Dual-Port RAM it
reads: "The CPM status RAM (16KByte)... ". And the memory map is (a
dirty plain-text interpretation made by me which I hope can be read) :

0x0000 +----------+  0x4000 +----------+  0x8000 +----------+
       |          |         |          |         |          |
       | bank #1  |         |          |         |  bank #5 |
0x0800 +----------+         |          |  0x8800 +----------+
       |          |         |          |         |          |
       | bank #2  |         |          |         |  bank #6 |
0x1000 +----------+         |          |  0x9000 +----------+
       |          |         |          |         |          |
       | bank #3  |         |          |         |  bank #7 |
0x1800 +----------+         |          |  0x9800 +----------+
       |          |         |          |         |          |
       | bank #4  |         |          |         |  bank #8 |
       +----------+         |          |         +----------+
       |          |         |          |         |          |
       |          |         |          |         |          |
       | reserved |         | reserved |         | reserved |
       |          |         |          |         |          |

It shouldn't be a big deal to change that #define to 1024*8, because
there are at least 4 contiguous banks of 0x800 (2048) bytes of memory
according to the specs. Should that be changed or am I missing
something about that maximum size?

I also had a look at the 2.4 linux kernel sources I am using and in
include/asm-ppc/cpm_8248.h dual port RAM is described as:

/* Dual Port RAM addresses.  The first 16K is available for almost
 * any CPM use, so we put the BDs there.  The first 128 bytes are
 * used for SMC1 and SMC2 parameter RAM, so we start allocating
 * BDs above that.  All of this must change when we start
 * downloading RAM microcode.
#define CPM_DATAONLY_BASE       ((uint)128)
#define CPM_DATAONLY_SIZE       ((uint)(8 * 1024) - CPM_DATAONLY_BASE)
#define CPM_DP_NOSPACE          ((uint)0x7fffffff)
#define CPM_FCC_SPECIAL_BASE    ((uint)0x00008800)

Faustino Frechilla
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