> Am 12.01.2019 um 22:32 schrieb Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>:
> Hi Alex,
>> On Fri, 11 Jan 2019 at 00:57, Alexander Graf <ag...@suse.de> wrote:
>>> On 11.01.19 05:29, AKASHI Takahiro wrote:
>>> Alex, Heinrich and Simon,
>>> Thank you for your comments, they are all valuable but also make me
>>> confused as different people have different requirements :)
>>> I'm not sure that all of us share the same *ultimate* goal here.
>> The shared ultimate goal is to "merge" (as Simon put it) dm and efi objects.
>> But we have this annoying interim state where we would lose a few boards
>> because they haven't been converted to DM. That's what keeps us from it.
> I don't think that is true anymore. The deadline for patches is
> effectively 28th January.
>> I think what this discussion boils down to is that someone needs to
>> start prototyping the DM/EFI integration. Start off with a simple
>> subsystem, like BLK. Then provide a DM path and have a non-DM fallback
>> still in its own source file that also provides EFI BLK devices.
>> Eventually we just remove the latter.
> No fallback, please. As above, it is time to remove code that does not
>> That way we can then work on getting hotplug working in the DM path,
>> which is the one we want anyway. For non-DM, you simply miss out on that
>> amazing new feature, but we don't regress users.
> Of which there will not be any as of 2019.04. I'm sorry to belabour
> this point, but I feel quite strongly that we should not be adding new
> code to old frameworks. We should instead be migrating away from them
> and deleting them.

I was thinking of an isolated file that we could just remove eventually.

But if we're getting to a dm only world with 2019.04 already, I'll be happy to 
merge code that merges efi and dm objects for that release.

The one thing I do not want here is any functional regression. If a board 
worked with efi in 2019.01, it better works at least as well in 2019.04.


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