I am a bit confused about the use of the driver model when it comes to spi

It seems from the description in the Kconfig help that both the legacy and
dm interfaces
for spi flash can coexist, thus you can use both the "sf xxxx" commands as
well as use
the driver model interface for the likes of flash..

is that correct? or is it one or the other?

2ndly, I've been trying to build u-boot for an TI am335x_evm (well our
board is designed
largely the same as that) attached to the spi flash is is25lp512 nor flash.
when I try to
configure both the CONFIG_SPI_FLASH and the CONFIG_DM_SPI +
i get lots of build errors.

I have a version of u-boot from 2017-09, I'll update to the newer version
next but just wondering if anyone has done this and knows which config
options to set/not set

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