+ Peng

On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 4:58 AM Jon Nettleton <j...@solid-run.com> wrote:
> I have been spending some time on this, at least from the lpddr4 side.
> There is a good amount of this that can be abstracted out and made
> into general initialization routines.  This is all well and good and
> you can see that Boundary Devices has already codified some of these
> values here.  
> https://github.com/boundarydevices/u-boot-imx6/blob/boundary-v2018.07/board/boundary/nitrogen8m/ddr/ddrphy_train.c
> However after you generate the script from the spreadsheet you then
> need to run it through a calibration routine, which is a Windows
> program that takes the values from the spreadsheets and runs them
> against the device and provides some tuned phy values based on the
> device.  I don't see a good way to get around just having this chunk
> of code be a board specific function that runs the register settings
> that are spit out by the NXP tool.
> As for the initialization I am not sure how much changes depending if
> the board is using DDR3, DDR4 or LPDDR4.  It would be great if we
> could come up with some general direction on this and move things
> forward.

Peng on Cc has been working on this and hopefully will be able to post
a new series soon.
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