The current distro_bootcmd has several issues regarding efi boot.
(See the patch#1 for details.)
Patch#1: fix distro's issues and make its intent clear
Patch#2,#3: address related issues on qemu-arm

Please note that patch#2 is now rebased on Bin's patch[1].


Changes in v2 (Oct 22, 2018):
* rewrite my previous changes after Alex's comments, including
     - boot bootmgr only once before searching for boot binary
     - dtb must be loaded from the same device with boot binary's
* add patch#2 as part of this patch set, in particular adding CONFIG_SYS

-Takahio Akashi

AKASHI Takahiro (3):
  efi_loader: rework fdt handling in distro boot script
  ARM: qemu-arm: rework Kconfig
  ARM: qemu-arm: define fdt_addr_r

 arch/arm/mach-qemu/Kconfig       | 18 ++++++++-------
 board/emulation/qemu-arm/Kconfig |  6 +++++
 include/config_distro_bootcmd.h  | 38 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 include/configs/qemu-arm.h       |  1 +
 4 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)


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