On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 12:05 AM Marek Vasut <ma...@denx.de> wrote:
> On 08/11/2018 09:26 PM, Simon Goldschmidt wrote:
> > On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 10:32 PM Marek Vasut <ma...@denx.de> wrote:
> >>
> >> On 08/10/2018 10:11 PM, Simon Goldschmidt wrote:
> >>> On 10.08.2018 15:15, Marek Vasut wrote:
> >>>> On 08/10/2018 02:56 PM, Simon Goldschmidt wrote:
> >>>>> On 09.08.2018 23:57, Marek Vasut wrote:
> >>>>>> On 08/09/2018 09:17 PM, Simon Goldschmidt wrote:
> >>>>>>> [..]
> >>>>>>> BTW, the DIP switches even allow the SoCrates to boot from fpga, which
> >>>>>>> is what I'm currently working on. In this case, it seems like we need
> >>>>>>> a separate config at least, but the dts can still be the same.
> >>>>>> Presumably because the SPL needs different link address ?
> >>>>> The linker address of course needs to be changed. Preventing the cpu
> >>>>> accessing the FPGA OnChip RAM was a bit more tricky to debug, but it
> >>>>> seems I have it working now.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I guess we need a Kconfig option to enable the bridge reset changes and
> >>>>> select the correct link address. I'll prepare a patch for that. Should I
> >>>>> base it on top of my gen5 fixes series?
> >>>> Arent you gonna repost that series anyway ? Just wrap it in I think.
> >>>
> >>> OK then.
> >>>
> >>> After getting SPL to run from FPGA, I then had problems with running
> >>> U-Boot from FPGA. I do that because U-Boot allows us to boot empty
> >>> boards via network by only downloading an FPGA image (in combination
> >>> with fallback boot from FPGA).
> >>
> >> You can boot from network in SPL too.
> >
> > That might be an interesting idea. Currently we might have use for the
> > U-Boot console in this image, so if it works with U-Boot, the
> > additional subsecond delay to boot it would be worth it.
> OK
> >>> Turns out the problem is the same: bridges into FPGA get disabled. Now I
> >>> can deduplicate the code, but is this the right thing to do at all?
> >>> Can't we expect for the SPL to have run an correctly initialize the low
> >>> level hardware?
> >>
> >> Deduplication is always good. I don't quite understand this question 
> >> though.
> >
> > Sorry for being unclear. What I meant was that arch_early_init_r() in
> > misc_gen5.c (called from U-Boot) does similar things that SPL has
> > already done in board_init_f(). Is that expected or should U-Boot rely
> > on SPL having initialized the hardware properly?
> Oh, the sacr/remap/scu settings ? There is some obscure behavior of the
> chip which requires things to be done in that order and early on,
> otherwise the first 0x100000 of RAM misbehave.
> If you manage to deduplicate the code, excellent, just be careful with
> this beginning of RAM thing, it's quite nasty.
> Or do you mean some other init ?

No, that's basically what I meant. It is done in SPL *and* U-Boot,
that sounds a bit strange, but it's OK to leave it like that.
I only would change SPL to call the same code in misc_gen5.c as U-Boot
does to deduplicate the C code.

Another thing that I don't get is: why are the FPGA bridges reset
again at the end of SPL board_init_f()? Introduced by you with this

Can we remove this 2nd reset?

> >>> On the other hand, it's a bit strange that after relocation, U-Boot
> >>> tries to access pre-relocation memory anyway (gd->env_addr points to the
> >>> fpga bridge). Maybe a better fix would be to relocate that pointer? In
> >>> its original port, Altera has put all data into SRAM instead of fpga's
> >>> OCRAM, so while code wouldn't work, data access to pre-relocation
> >>> pointers would still work after the bridges got disabled...
> >>>
> >>> Which option would you prefer?
> >>
> >> I wonder why the in-ram env isn't relocated. But do you really need any
> >> of that ? See above about using TFTP in SPL .
> >
> > As I don't know if TFTP in SPL is an option for us, I'll check if I
> > can relocate env_addr in gd.
> Sounds good, thanks.

CONFIG_SYS_EXTRA_ENV_RELOC does the trick in U-Boot.

> --
> Best regards,
> Marek Vasut
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