
> Dear André Schwarz,
> In message <1268325452.4803.34.ca...@swa-m460> you wrote:
> >
> > hmm - I'm not *that* familiar with all that abbreviations ... have to
> > ask someone : http://www.abbreviations.com/YMMV
> >
> > Hopefully you didn't mean the worst one ;-)
> The common (and intended) interpretation is Your Mileage May Vary.

huh - *big* relief.

> > >
> > > Why are you asking? You wrote you have been doing this since 1.1.4, so
> > > where exactly is your problem?
> >
> > The linker script has moved to the CPU directory, i.e. there's no local
> > linker script anymore.
> This is because all boards used the same script anyway, so there was
> no use in keeping multiple copies of the same file. But please note
> that nothing prevents you to use a local, customized linker script.
> All you need to do is set it's name in you config.mk (add a line
> "LDSCRIPT=<your name>").

excellent - that's what I've been looking for.
At first glance I'd expected custom linker scripts to be refused ...

> > Since I want to submit the board files as soon as the merge window will
> > open I'm asking for a reasonable way to implement this in current
> > U-Boot.
> Use a customized linker script.

will do - thanks for the help.

André Schwarz

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