
> Dear =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= Schwarz,
> In message <1268321602.4803.24.ca...@swa-m460> you wrote:
> > 
> > is there any reasonable way to reserve some small flash sectors embedded
> > inside U-Boot for other usage ?
> Yes, of course there is. For example, in many board configurations we
> use such small sectors for the environment (then called "embedded
> environment").
> > Example :
> > 
> > 2 sectors @ 0-16k U-boot start including initial code @ reset vector.
> > 1 sector @ 16k-24k e.g. environment.
> > 2 sectors @ 24k-40k reserved (small linux mtd partitions).
> > ? sectors @ 40k+ remaining U-Boot code.
> This can easily be done.
> > Back with U-Boot 1.1.4 I used the board's local u-boot.lds like this :
> Right. The linker script is the pace that needs to be tweaked.
> > The primary goal is to create a dedicated sector holding the auto/boot
> > script being available through a nested mtd partition.
> Well, I think there might be more efficient ways to acchieve this, but

hmm - I'm not *that* familiar with all that abbreviations ... have to
ask someone : http://www.abbreviations.com/YMMV

Hopefully you didn't mean the worst one ;-)

> Why are you asking? You wrote you have been doing this since 1.1.4, so
> where exactly is your problem?

The linker script has moved to the CPU directory, i.e. there's no local
linker script anymore.

Since I want to submit the board files as soon as the merge window will
open I'm asking for a reasonable way to implement this in current

What's your favorite way of doing this ?
I'd be happy to implement it that way.

> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk


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