On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 08:59:20AM +0200, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Michal,
> In message <f1461b0c-0399-bd02-6c17-9c71d3a58...@xilinx.com> you wrote:
> >
> > > Of course we can do that (actually it's two files,
> > > "u-boot-config/aliases" and "u-boot-config/domain-map").
> >
> > and gitdm.config right? (not sure if that sample-config/filetypes.txt is
> > used)
> Actually it's even more involved.  There are also patches to
> database.py and gitdm.config ...

Ah, and now I see the other details.  Yes, if there's stuff out of tree
in "gitdm" that would be needed to use it here, then no, it doesn't make
sense to try and put the config files under doc/ or something in U-Boot
proper.  But perhaps we need a link off the ReleaseCycle page to point
at the copy of gitdm you use?  Thanks!


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