Dear Fabio,

Thank you very much. I will check and inform you.

Best regards.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fabio Estevam [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 4:28 PM
To: Mehmet Ali İPİN <>
Subject: Re: [U-Boot] u-boot 2018 SPI SPL

Hi Mehmet,

On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 10:17 AM, Mehmet Ali İPİN <> 
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> Hello,
> We have developed an i.mx6dl board which is based on "MX6 Dual Lite SABRE AI 
> CPU2 Card with AVB". I am using version u-boot-2018.01 with SPL.
> I am downloading SPL and u-boot.img with USB loader; downloaded kernel and 
> device tree files and run them in nfs tftp search over ethernet..
> Then I programmed the SPI NOR flash with u-boot with spi read/write commands 
> for both u-boot.imx/and u-boot.img images with offset value of 0x400 in Flash 
> address, set boot pins accordingly, saw signals at clock, CS and Data pins of 
> flash after reset, but never see a boot (character at terminal) for last few 
> weeks.
> As I know, make command is generating code for SD card, and SPL code is 
> waiting u-boot to be loaded from USB port. I searched many NXP/denx forums; 
> i.mx6 linux kernel ref. Manuals for u-boot with SPL, I found NXP supports 
> u-boot.imx images, but did not support SPL+u-boot.img.
> So I would be very grateful, if any of you know which (and how) files, 
> parameters (and/or make command) should be set for u-boot.img+SPL boot for 
> SPI nor flash boot in u-boot 2018.1? Or give link to document(s), which 
> explain the i.mx6dl SPL  and u-boot.img boot process for SPI nor flash 
> (except i.mx6 ref manual)..

Take a look at board/congatec/cgtqmx6eval/README (2. Flashing U-Boot in the SPI 

It explains how to flash SPL + u-boot.img into SPI NOR on a mx6 board.
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