On Mon, 08/012018 06:27, Vignesh R wrote:
> On Monday 08 January 2018 09:10 AM, Jason Rush wrote:
> [...]
> >>> 1. The indaddrtrig register was being programmed with an incorrect
> >>> value for socfpga as the result of assuming it should be programmed
> >>> with the same address as the ahbbase address.  This issue is
> >>> resolved by adopting the Linux DT bindings, which has an independent
> >>> setting for the indaddrtrig register so the register can be set correctly 
> >>> on all
> architectures.  Plus it aligns the DT between u-boot and Linux.
> >> That should be an easy patch, so this is the patchset 0/5..5/5 that
> >> you just submitted ?
> > Yes. I saw you Acked it, thank you.
> >>> 2. The cadence driver was modified at one point to use the bouncebuf
> >>> functions to fix an issue on a TI architecture that expected, where
> >>> if I recall correctly all reads except the last have to be 32-bit
> >>> reads.  However, since the bouncebuf was designed for DMA transfers,
> >>> it invalidates the data cache after reading, but since the cadence
> >>> is using cpu transfers the newly read data is thrown away when the
> >>> cache is invalidated.  This issue is resolved by reverting the commit that
> introduced using the bounce buffer for read operations, which according to
> Vignesh don't cause any issues to the TI architecture.
> >> Hmmmmm, I wonder why you need bounce buffer at all here. The CQSPI
> >> literally reads/writes a register space (or some FIFO in register
> >> space), there is no DMA involved at all. I also wonder why we have to
> >> manipulate with cache at all here.
> >
> > I agree, I don't believe this needs a bounce buffer at all.  This
> > isn't a DMA, there is no need for cache manipulation.  Vignesh
> > understands the problem better than I do on the TI platform, but I
> > believe it was used since it was an easy way to ensure the register 
> > read/writes
> were all 32-bits wide up until the last read/write.
> Yes, that was the intention. Unfortunately, I chose to use common bounce 
> buffer
> implementation which was doing cache manipulations.
> > I believe the bounce buffer should be removed from the CQSPI driver
> > and a different solution should be implemented, but Vignesh should
> > weigh in on that since it effects his architecture.
> >
> CQSPI on TI K2G has problems with non 32 bit aligned write operations.
> But read operations are unaffected. Therefore I have Ack'ed Simon's patch
> reverting bouncebuf for read. For writes, I have patches to revert common
> bouncebuf usage and use a local pagesize buffer for overcome alignment issue. 
> I
> am waiting for current patch backlogs to be merged so that its easy for 
> testing w/o
> specifying bunch of dependent patches.
> Or if Simon agrees, I can add his patch to my series post it to mailing list 
> (rebased
> on top of Jason's series)?

Well, it's not really "my" patch, anyway. It reverts a commit of
yours, so sure, as long as this does not stand in the way of getting
qspi running on 2018.03, go ahead and itegrate it in your patchset.

I'd be happy to have this sent now so I can test both patchsets on
top of 2018.01(-rc).

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