
On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 12:28:27PM +0530, Jagan Teki wrote:
> This patch enable ums through CMD_USB_MASS_STORAGE.
> Signed-off-by: Jagan Teki <ja...@amarulasolutions.com>
> ---
>  configs/bananapi_m64_defconfig | 1 +
>  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
> diff --git a/configs/bananapi_m64_defconfig b/configs/bananapi_m64_defconfig
> index 55feafe..d4aade5 100644
> --- a/configs/bananapi_m64_defconfig
> +++ b/configs/bananapi_m64_defconfig
> @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE="sun50i-a64-bananapi-m64"
>  # CONFIG_CMD_FLASH is not set
>  # CONFIG_CMD_FPGA is not set

How does that work with the current over-size issue we have on the

And I'd also like to keep the way we did things for several years now,
which is to *not* have board-specific options selected besides the
hardware-related ones.

If you want to enable a general feature, do it for all the boards so
that our users will have a consistent experience across boards, and we
will not have to always chase all the defconfigs to provide it.

And I guess the next question would be: what is the targetted use case
and why should we enable it for all the boards? We're having binary
size issues on the A64, so we really want to provide something
meaningful for the majority of our users.

We won't enable something used by only a small fraction, especially
when it's so easy to enable it.


Maxime Ripard, Free Electrons
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering

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