On Mon, 7 Dec 2009, Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> Dear "Robert P. J. Day",
> In message <alpine.lfd.2.00.0911190255590.29...@localhost> you wrote:
> >
> >   another beginner-level question, i'm sure, but what's the
> > distinction between V_PROMPT and CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT for customizing
> > the u-boot prompt?
> The difference is that CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT (which probably should be
> renamed into CONFIG_PROMPT) is an official, documented configuration
> option, while V_PROMPT is a private and apparently redundant
> definition that should be removed.
> Cleanup patches welcome.

  submitted.  if CONFIG_SYS_PROMPT really should be renamed, that can
be done in a followup patch as a separate logical action.


Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

            Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

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