Hi Heiko:
On 2017年07月05日 03:54, Heiko Stübner wrote:
Hi Andy,
Am Montag, 3. Juli 2017, 16:02:59 CEST schrieb Andy Yan:
On 2017年06月30日 16:14, Dr. Philipp Tomsich wrote:
On 30 Jun 2017, at 09:47, Andy Yan <andy....@rock-chips.com> wrote:
As Kever mentioned in [0], the RK3036 based boards could't
bootup for a long time.
After a git bisect, I found the RK3036 SPL code size has
increased from patch [1] [2]. Before Tom's patch [1], the
SPL size is 3160 bytes, but it becomes 4080 bytes after [1]
applied. After a look at this patch, I realised I should
disable SPL_USE_ARCH_MEMCPY/MEMSET, and the code size indeed
come down after I disabled them. But I got a LD error after
apply patch[2]: "undefined reference to memset", RK3036 SPL
didn't use lib/string because of the sram space imitation.
The compile succeed after CONFIG_SPL_LIBGENERIC_SUPPORT enabled,
but the spl code size become 3248 bytes.
Additionally, Simon post patch [3] call printf to print a
message before back to bootrom from spl, which make the spl
code size increased to nearly 3.7 kb.
RK3036 SPL only has 4kb sram to use, the spl code will use
3.4 ~ 3.5 kb, the last 0.5kb are used for SP and GD, so there
is no space for malloc.
What version of GCC are you using?
If your problem can also be solved by moving to GCC 6.3 (or newer) and
the code-size improvements there, I’d rather just require a more recent
GCC version.
I default use arm-linux-gnueabe-gcc v5.4.
The current upstream kylin-rk3036_defconfig compiled by gcc-5.4 is
4384 bytes, the size comes down to 3936 bytes if I use
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc v6.3 from linaro. But this is still too large
for rk3036.
Disable SPL_USE_ARCH_MEMCPY/MEMSET will make the spl size comes
down to 3042 bytes by gcc v6.3. But I still need some hack: enable
CONFIG_SPL_LIBGENERIC to get support for memset, masks Simon's print in
bootrom.c, or the code size will become very large. Event though this
hack make things work, we still lost a few hundreds bytes by function
board_init_f_alloc_reserve, because platforms with very limit sram like
rk3036 will return to bootrom after the dram initialized, they never use
the malloc space. This few hundreds bytes is a large space for 4kb
sarm, it's better to letf them for code or SP.Heiko
For a start, maybe you could take a look at Simon's size reduction
series from april. The TPL-specific stuff may not be that interesting,
but the first patch adds a totally slimmed down memset, which
may be better for real hard size constraints
[PATCH v2 0/5] Patches to reduce TPL code size:
The SPL_TINY_MEMSET was included in my hack.
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