Le 22/06/2017 à 11:59, Wolfgang Denk a écrit :
Dear Christophe,

In message <0784ad6e-86ab-9c1d-1b81-a5cacaf2b...@c-s.fr> you wrote:

Please see my previous comments to Tom's message.  At least, please
clean up the directory structure and get rid of unrelated (4xx) and
untested/broken code (bedbug, probably kgdb, pcmcia, usb).

I got 4xx unrelated stuff out in v3, as mentioned above.

I still see these files in your patch:


Those are


My patch brings back CONFIG_IDE_8xx_DIRECT, so if somebody has decided that this CONFIG_ shall explicitly be undefined for 4xx targets, I believe there is a reason and I cannot decide by myself to remove that.

To me these look very much like PPC4xx related.  In addition, it
makes zero sense to keep PPC405 board config files without any
related board code.

Why do you say that ? There is a lot of code in arch/powerpc/ppc4xx/ and in configs/ you find the following defconfigs:
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 641 Jun 22 01:34 CPCI4052_defconfig
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 871 Jun 22 01:34 MIP405_defconfig
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 799 Jun 22 01:34 MIP405T_defconfig
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 869 Jun 22 01:34 PIP405_defconfig
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 675 Jun 22 01:34 PLU405_defconfig
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 588 Jun 22 01:34 PMC405DE_defconfig
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 449 Jun 22 01:34 VOM405_defconfig
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 747 Jun 22 01:34 xilinx-ppc405-generic_defconfig

On the other hand I do not see a single board configuration for 8xx,
so you cannot even compile the code for a MPC8xx board, or am I
missing something?

Yes you are right, Tom asked me to bring back only the core part for the time being, until I have cleaned up the code for our two boards.

Also, are you going to support the whole family, including MPC823(E)?
If not, we should also omit stuff like the 823 video support.

I agree, but please no big-bang now. It is already complicated enough.

I try to get used to the idea of doing code level cleanup later,
even though my personal feeling for re-adding known-to-be-broken
code is not exactly positive.

But at least at file level we should perform the needed cleanup now:
- omit unrelated stuff
- omit known to be unsupported/untested/broken code
- move drivers to the correct places according to today's file
   system hierarchy.

As I explained before, I doubt that you will be able to test things
like  drivers/video/mpc8xx_lcd.c  on your boards, and I strongly
doubt that you are willing to invest efforts in adapting and testing
things like PCMCIA, bedbug, SIL680 support, or USB on your hardware.

Yes I agree, that's probably the first things I will remove (except USB probably).

[In which way is the sil680 driver related to mpx8xx, btw?]

So when we know in advance that this old, crappy code will never be
tested, why should we spend effforts even in adding it?

Just because it was there 2 weeks ago. I prefer starting from a known situation.

We have something that fits and that was unexpectedly removed entirely
last week. Lets come back first to a well known - working situation and
do the removal of unnecessary parts step by step as if we were 3 weeks
ago. The more we wait to get 8xx back in, the more difficult it will be.

To be frank: you don't have a very extensive track record of working
with the U-Boot community.  At the moment all we have is your claim
that you will care about 8xx in the furture.  In the past, we have
seen many precedents of "please add this code now, I know it is not
really good, but I will fix it later, promised" - and then the code
was in mainline, until somebody else digged into cleaning it up.

Well, I don't know what to answer to that, I understand your reluctance but you probably also understand mine, I try crawling in one direction to get my boards in while others are removing more and more stuff (51xx, 82xx, 5xx ...) which makes the come back of 8xx more difficult each day.

I've been using MPC8xx for 18 years, and I know all too well in how
many places the code is in urgent need of a cleanup (heck, I'm even
responsible for major parts of that mess - but those were the times
way back then).  I'm not sure if you already anticipate the size of
job you have taken.  Just looking at the POST code - are you aware
how much effort it will be to adapt it to your board and to test it?
And this is mandatory requirement if you want to have it added. It
must be maintained, i. e. tested.

We have it running on our boards and it works, it is just not in a clean submittable (doesn't respect the Codying Style, has several hard coded stuff in core parts, etc ...), so I cannot submit it just now, and I fear that by end august/early septembre, when I come with my cleaned board code, so much modification have been done to uboot core that 8xx cannot be back without tones of reverts.

It would be very sad if we add this code now, and in a few
weeks/months you say: oh, we don't need this, and I don't find time
to care about it, let's remove it again.  And this is what's bound
to happen - I bet a beer or two that you have never used most of
this code before, nor had a look at the code.

I think it is much, much better to perform at least the file level
cleanup in a sngle step right at the beginning, starting with the
minimum set of needed files for your system.  Adding needed things
later is a much better guaranteee for good code than removing
unmaintained crap when it starts hurting.

Ok but please stop removing or deapply modifying additional stuff that impacts the 8xx.

So please check your own board configuration and come up with a list
of needed features, and re-add only those, cleaning up file
hierarchy while you go.  See .sig below (non-random today).

Yes but that's not something that is doable in a few hours. So be compassionate and don't jeopardise it.



Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

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