> 1. TIMING_CFG_0[ACT_PD_EXIT] was set to 6 clocks, but
>    It should be set to tXP parameter, tXP=max(3CK, 7.5ns)
> 2. TIMING_CFG_0[PRE_PD_EXIT] was set to 6 clocks, but
>    It should be set to tXP (if MR0[A12]=1) else to tXPDLL parameter
>    We are setting the mode register MR0[A12]='1'
> 3. TIMING_CFG_5[RODT_ON] should be set to WL-2
> 4. TIMING_CFG_5[RODT_OFF] should be set to WL-1
> 5. TIMING_CFG_5[WODT_ON] should be set to WL-2
> 6. TIMING_CFG_5[WODT_OFF] should be set to WL-1
> The original work was finished by Mazyar Razzaz and Travis Wheatley.
> Signed-off-by: Dave Liu <dave...@freescale.com>
> Signed-off-by: Travis Wheatley <travis.wheat...@freescale.com>

Tested on MPC8569MDS board.
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