
On 10 May 2017 at 15:19, Jorge Ramirez <jorge.ramirez-or...@linaro.org> wrote:
> On 05/10/2017 09:42 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
> updating pl01x is not a big deal I dont think; however this will
> mean requiring a platform specific clock driver to just use the
> pl01x - which will take me some time to get into uboot for my
> platform (and the same might happen to other users).
> Ah right.  So the flip side here, is one not allowed to have the clock
> property anymore?  Yes, it may not be used in the kernel, but has
> someone argued that it's not part of the hardware description?
> First I've ever seen a "clock" property. We have "clocks" from the
> clock binding which is a phandle plus #clock-cells number of args. We
> also have "clock-frequency" which is just the frequency value and has
> been around forever. Why u-boot went off and did something different i
> don't know. Sigh. What I can say is a 3rd way is not going to be
> accepted.
> Aw crap, I'm in the wrong.  I was thinking this was "clock-frequency"
> and not that we had invented our own property here.
> Generally, the clock binding replaces clock-frequency, but there are
> some cases where clock binding would be overkill or too complicated
> for early boot and using clock-frequency would be okay. But I don't
> think "I haven't written my platform clock controller driver yet" is a
> reason to use clock-frequency as generally most platforms are going to
> have to have one. Providing a stub driver that just returns a fixed
> frequency shouldn't be too hard IMO.
> So, trying to dig out of the hole we made here.  The generic serial
> binding (bindings/serial/serial.txt) documents clock-frequency.  The
> pl011 binding (and primecell which it also references) does not.  Would
> adding clock-frequency to a pl011 node be valid or invalid?
> Valid in general. It's a common property in the DT spec. Though, it
> should be listed in the pl011 binding doc as used just like we list
> reg or interrupts.
>  If valid,
> would it also be acceptable to include in dts files that also fill in
> clocks/clock-names from that binding?
> Generally we treat that as not valid as they are mutually exclusive.
> There's 2 better options. You can define fixed clocks with
> "fixed-clock" compatible and you already have infrastructure in u-boot
> to use that. However, the upstream dts file already defines clocks, so
> that doesn't really work here. The 2nd option is have a table of clock
> ids and frequencies and register that list of clocks based on matching
> the clock controller. You'd need a little bit of infrastructure to
> support that, but otherwise a platform would just need to define a
> table.
> It sounds like you are saying the first option isn't an option. The
> second option adds another layer of pain - we are trying to avoid
> having platform data.
> I'd prefer (in this order):
> 1. A clock driver
> please could you explain the rationale for this request on this particular 
> platform?
> And I mean for a platform where a clock driver will:
> 1. NOT access any hardware
> 2. *only* provide single hard-coded value (a compiled in frequency) for the 
> pl01x driver.
> Consider also (another option) that the pl01x driver can be compiled without 
> OF support and that said frequency can be provided by CONFIG.
> It is just that before adding layers of stub code I would like to understand 
> the technical need when there is only one consumer (I don't want to pollute 
> U-Boot's code base with code that is not providing value).
> What do we want to achieve by writing a SoC clock driver that hard-codes the 
> frequency rate for the console?
> what is the benefit of having such a driver and why is this not an overkill 
> on this platform?

For just one device I can accept that it is overkill. Once you have
another device, or (e.g.) the ability to change clocks in U-Boot at
run time, a clock driver makes sense.

> 2. Use the existing clock-frequency property
> yes, this I could understand.
> And it doesn't even need to add a single line to the linux kernel dts files 
> which would be imported from the linux kernel tree and keep unmodified.

Then it sounds like this approach works for you?

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