Dear Wolfgang Denk,

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 07:22:17PM +0100, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> >  2 files changed, 365 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
> This summary alone is a pretty clear message to me. This is indeed a
> lot of added, and even worse, duplicated code.

I tried to address this by re-working the code to completely avoid
duplicate code. This leads to a much tighter integration, I do not
know if this is wanted by the CFI/flash maintainers.

The patch is on its way - comments are highly welcome, as I do not
see a real conflict of the underlying idea to the U-Boot design
principles, I am definitely willing to address all implementation/
coding style issues in case this helps to change your mind. :-)

Best regards,
Wolfgang Wegner

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