More tightly integrated non-blocking variants of some CFI flash access
functions. Enable with CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_CFI_NONBLOCK
These can be useful to erase flash or write complete sectors of flash
during a serial data transfer for software updates.

Signed-off-by: Wolfgang Wegner <>
Re-worked patch avoiding code duplication and fixing white-space as
well as line length errors I found while forwarding to next branch.

 drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c |  269 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 include/flash.h         |    9 ++
 2 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c b/drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c
index c611f6b..74fa75f 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c
+++ b/drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c
@@ -528,22 +528,30 @@ static int flash_is_busy (flash_info_t * info, 
flash_sect_t sect)
- *  wait for XSR.7 to be set. Time out with an error if it does not.
+ *  check/wait for XSR.7 is set. When tout is nonzero, start timer, else check
+ *  if time out value is reached.
  *  This routine does not set the flash to read-array mode.
-static int flash_status_check (flash_info_t * info, flash_sect_t sector,
-                              ulong tout, char *prompt)
+static int flash_status_check_int (flash_info_t * info, flash_sect_t sector,
+                                  ulong tout, char *prompt, int nonblock)
-       ulong start;
+       static ulong start;
+       static ulong stout;
 #if CONFIG_SYS_HZ != 1000
        tout *= CONFIG_SYS_HZ/1000;
-       /* Wait for command completion */
-       start = get_timer (0);
-       while (flash_is_busy (info, sector)) {
-               if (get_timer (start) > tout) {
+       if (tout || (nonblock == 0)){
+               stout = tout;
+               start = get_timer (0);
+       }
+       /* Check for command completion */
+       while (flash_is_busy (info, sector))
+       {
+               if (get_timer (start) > stout) {
                        printf ("Flash %s timeout at address %lx data %lx\n",
                                prompt, info->start[sector],
                                flash_read_long (info, sector, 0));
@@ -551,22 +559,38 @@ static int flash_status_check (flash_info_t * info, 
flash_sect_t sector,
                        return ERR_TIMOUT;
                udelay (1);             /* also triggers watchdog */
+               if(nonblock)
+                       return ERR_BUSY;
        return ERR_OK;
- * Wait for XSR.7 to be set, if it times out print an error, otherwise
- * do a full status check.
+ *  wait for XSR.7 to be set. Time out with an error if it does not.
+ *  This routine does not set the flash to read-array mode.
+ */
+static int flash_status_check (flash_info_t * info, flash_sect_t sector,
+                              ulong tout, char *prompt)
+       return flash_status_check_int (info, sector, tout, prompt, 0);
+ * Check for XSR.7 to be set, either waiting for it (0 == nonblock) or
+ * returning FLASH_BUSY (1 == nonblock). If timeout is reached, print an
+ * error;
- * This routine sets the flash to read-array mode.
+ * This routine sets the flash to read-array mode if blocking mode is
+ * enabled or if successful in non-blocking mode.
-static int flash_full_status_check (flash_info_t * info, flash_sect_t sector,
-                                   ulong tout, char *prompt)
+static int flash_full_status_check_int (flash_info_t * info, flash_sect_t 
+                                       ulong tout, char *prompt, int nonblock)
        int retcode;
-       retcode = flash_status_check (info, sector, tout, prompt);
+       retcode = flash_status_check_int (info, sector, tout, prompt, nonblock);
+       if(retcode == ERR_BUSY)
+               return retcode;
        switch (info->vendor) {
@@ -603,6 +627,18 @@ static int flash_full_status_check (flash_info_t * info, 
flash_sect_t sector,
+ * Wait for XSR.7 to be set, if it times out print an error, otherwise
+ * do a full status check.
+ *
+ * This routine sets the flash to read-array mode.
+ */
+static int flash_full_status_check (flash_info_t * info, flash_sect_t sector,
+                                   ulong tout, char *prompt)
+       return flash_full_status_check_int (info, sector, tout, prompt, 0);
 static void flash_add_byte (flash_info_t * info, cfiword_t * cword, uchar c)
@@ -671,8 +707,8 @@ static flash_sect_t find_sector (flash_info_t * info, ulong 
-static int flash_write_cfiword (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest,
-                               cfiword_t cword)
+static int flash_write_cfiword_int (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest,
+                                   cfiword_t cword, int nonblock)
        void *dstaddr = (void *)dest;
        int flag;
@@ -749,13 +785,19 @@ static int flash_write_cfiword (flash_info_t * info, 
ulong dest,
        if (!sect_found)
                sect = find_sector (info, dest);
-       return flash_full_status_check (info, sect, info->write_tout, "write");
+       return flash_full_status_check_int (info, sect, info->write_tout, 
"write", nonblock);
+static int flash_write_cfiword (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest,
+                               cfiword_t cword)
+       return flash_write_cfiword_int (info, dest, cword, 0);
-static int flash_write_cfibuffer (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, uchar * cp,
-                                 int len)
+static int flash_write_cfibuffer_int (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, uchar * 
+                                     int len, int nonblock)
        flash_sect_t sector;
        int cnt;
@@ -862,9 +904,9 @@ static int flash_write_cfibuffer (flash_info_t * info, 
ulong dest, uchar * cp,
                        flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0,
-                       retcode = flash_full_status_check (
+                       retcode = flash_full_status_check_int (
                                info, sector, info->buffer_write_tout,
-                               "buffer write");
+                               "buffer write", nonblock);
@@ -911,9 +953,9 @@ static int flash_write_cfibuffer (flash_info_t * info, 
ulong dest, uchar * cp,
                flash_write_cmd (info, sector, 0, AMD_CMD_WRITE_BUFFER_CONFIRM);
-               retcode = flash_full_status_check (info, sector,
-                                                  info->buffer_write_tout,
-                                                  "buffer write");
+               retcode = flash_full_status_check_int (info, sector,
+                                                      info->buffer_write_tout,
+                                                      "buffer write", 
@@ -925,10 +967,77 @@ static int flash_write_cfibuffer (flash_info_t * info, 
ulong dest, uchar * cp,
        return retcode;
+static int flash_write_cfibuffer (flash_info_t * info, ulong dest, uchar * cp,
+                                 int len)
+       return flash_write_cfibuffer_int(info, dest, cp, len, 0);
+ * internal sector erase without final status check
+ */
+int flash_sector_erase (flash_info_t * info, flash_sect_t sect)
+       int rcode = 0;
+       if (info->flash_id != FLASH_MAN_CFI) {
+               puts ("Can't erase unknown flash type - aborted\n");
+               return 1;
+       }
+       if (sect < 0) {
+               puts ("- no sector to erase\n");
+               return 1;
+       }
+       if (info->protect[sect] == 0) { /* not protected */
+               switch (info->vendor) {
+               case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_PROG_REGIONS:
+               case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_STANDARD:
+               case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_EXTENDED:
+                       flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
+                                        FLASH_CMD_CLEAR_STATUS);
+                       flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
+                                        FLASH_CMD_BLOCK_ERASE);
+                       flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
+                                        FLASH_CMD_ERASE_CONFIRM);
+                       break;
+               case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_STANDARD:
+               case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_EXTENDED:
+                       flash_unlock_seq (info, sect);
+                       flash_write_cmd (info, sect,
+                                       info->addr_unlock1,
+                                       AMD_CMD_ERASE_START);
+                       flash_unlock_seq (info, sect);
+                       flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
+                                        AMD_CMD_ERASE_SECTOR);
+                       break;
+               case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_LEGACY:
+                       flash_unlock_seq (info, 0);
+                       flash_write_cmd (info, 0, info->addr_unlock1,
+                                       AMD_CMD_ERASE_START);
+                       flash_unlock_seq (info, 0);
+                       flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
+                                       AMD_CMD_ERASE_SECTOR);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       debug ("Unkown flash vendor %d\n",
+                              info->vendor);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       else {
+               printf ("- Error: protected sector %d can not be erased!\n", 
+               rcode = ERR_PROTECTED;
+       }
+       return rcode;
 int flash_erase (flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int s_last)
@@ -958,46 +1067,9 @@ int flash_erase (flash_info_t * info, int s_first, int 
                putc ('\n');
        for (sect = s_first; sect <= s_last; sect++) {
                if (info->protect[sect] == 0) { /* not protected */
-                       switch (info->vendor) {
-                       case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_PROG_REGIONS:
-                       case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_STANDARD:
-                       case CFI_CMDSET_INTEL_EXTENDED:
-                               flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
-                                                FLASH_CMD_CLEAR_STATUS);
-                               flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
-                                                FLASH_CMD_BLOCK_ERASE);
-                               flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
-                                                FLASH_CMD_ERASE_CONFIRM);
-                               break;
-                       case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_STANDARD:
-                       case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_EXTENDED:
-                               flash_unlock_seq (info, sect);
-                               flash_write_cmd (info, sect,
-                                               info->addr_unlock1,
-                                               AMD_CMD_ERASE_START);
-                               flash_unlock_seq (info, sect);
-                               flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
-                                                AMD_CMD_ERASE_SECTOR);
-                               break;
-                       case CFI_CMDSET_AMD_LEGACY:
-                               flash_unlock_seq (info, 0);
-                               flash_write_cmd (info, 0, info->addr_unlock1,
-                                               AMD_CMD_ERASE_START);
-                               flash_unlock_seq (info, 0);
-                               flash_write_cmd (info, sect, 0,
-                                               AMD_CMD_ERASE_SECTOR);
-                               break;
-                       default:
-                               debug ("Unkown flash vendor %d\n",
-                                      info->vendor);
-                               break;
-                       }
+                       flash_sector_erase (info, sect);
                        if (flash_full_status_check
                            (info, sect, info->erase_blk_tout, "erase")) {
                                rcode = 1;
@@ -1140,8 +1212,9 @@ void flash_print_info (flash_info_t * info)
  * 0 - OK
  * 1 - write timeout
  * 2 - Flash not erased
+ * 256 - Flash busy (when CONFIG_SYS_FLASH_CFI_NONBLOCK is set)
-int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+int write_buff_int (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt, 
int nonblock)
        ulong wp;
        uchar *p;
@@ -1182,7 +1255,7 @@ int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong 
addr, ulong cnt)
                for (; (cnt == 0) && (i < info->portwidth); ++i)
                        flash_add_byte (info, &cword, flash_read8(p + i));
-               rc = flash_write_cfiword (info, wp, cword);
+               rc = flash_write_cfiword_int (info, wp, cword, nonblock);
                if (rc != 0)
                        return rc;
@@ -1200,7 +1273,7 @@ int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong 
addr, ulong cnt)
                        cword.l = 0;
                        for (i = 0; i < info->portwidth; i++)
                                flash_add_byte (info, &cword, *src++);
-                       if ((rc = flash_write_cfiword (info, wp, cword)) != 0)
+                       if ((rc = flash_write_cfiword_int (info, wp, cword, 
nonblock)) != 0)
                                return rc;
                        wp += info->portwidth;
                        cnt -= info->portwidth;
@@ -1211,12 +1284,25 @@ int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong 
addr, ulong cnt)
                i = buffered_size - (wp % buffered_size);
                if (i > cnt)
                        i = cnt;
-               if ((rc = flash_write_cfibuffer (info, wp, src, i)) != ERR_OK)
+               rc = flash_write_cfibuffer_int (info, wp, src, i, nonblock);
+               if ((rc != ERR_OK) && (!nonblock || (rc != ERR_BUSY)))
                        return rc;
                i -= i & (info->portwidth - 1);
                wp += i;
                src += i;
                cnt -= i;
+               if(nonblock) {
+                       if ((rc) != ERR_BUSY)
+                               return rc;
+                       if (cnt >= info->portwidth) {
+                               rc = flash_full_status_check_int (info, 
find_sector (info, wp),
+                                                                 "buffer 
write", nonblock);
+                               if (rc != ERR_OK)
+                                       return rc;
+                       }
+               }
                FLASH_SHOW_PROGRESS(scale, dots, digit, i);
@@ -1225,7 +1311,7 @@ int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong 
addr, ulong cnt)
                for (i = 0; i < info->portwidth; i++) {
                        flash_add_byte (info, &cword, *src++);
-               if ((rc = flash_write_cfiword (info, wp, cword)) != 0)
+               if ((rc = flash_write_cfiword_int (info, wp, cword, nonblock)) 
!= 0)
                        return rc;
                wp += info->portwidth;
                cnt -= info->portwidth;
@@ -1249,7 +1335,18 @@ int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong 
addr, ulong cnt)
        for (; i < info->portwidth; ++i)
                flash_add_byte (info, &cword, flash_read8(p + i));
-       return flash_write_cfiword (info, wp, cword);
+       return flash_write_cfiword_int (info, wp, cword, nonblock);
+ * Copy memory to flash, returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
+ */
+int write_buff (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+       return write_buff_int(info, src, addr, cnt, 0);
@@ -2020,3 +2117,39 @@ unsigned long flash_init (void)
        return (size);
+ * Wait for XSR.7 to be set, if it times out print an error, otherwise
+ * do a full status check.
+ * This routine sets the flash to read-array mode.
+ */
+int flash_full_status_check_nb (flash_info_t * info, flash_sect_t sector,
+                               ulong tout, char *prompt)
+       return flash_full_status_check_int (info, sector, tout, prompt, 1);
+int flash_erase_nb (flash_info_t * info, int sector)
+       int rcode;
+       flash_sect_t sect = sector;
+       if ((rcode = flash_sector_erase (info, sect)) == 0)
+               rcode = flash_full_status_check_int (info, sect,
+                                       info->erase_blk_tout, "erase", 1);
+       return rcode;
+ * Copy memory to flash, returns:
+ * 0 - OK
+ * 1 - write timeout
+ * 2 - Flash not erased
+ * 256 - Flash busy
+ */
+int write_buff_nb (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr, ulong cnt)
+       return write_buff_int(info, src, addr, cnt, 1);
diff --git a/include/flash.h b/include/flash.h
index 8feca1b..026497b 100644
--- a/include/flash.h
+++ b/include/flash.h
@@ -126,6 +126,14 @@ extern int jedec_flash_match(flash_info_t *info, ulong 
 extern flash_info_t *flash_get_info(ulong base);
+extern int flash_full_status_check_nb (flash_info_t * info, ulong sector,
+                                       ulong tout, char *prompt);
+extern int flash_erase_nb (flash_info_t * info, int sector);
+extern int write_buff_nb (flash_info_t * info, uchar * src, ulong addr,
+                               ulong cnt);
  * return codes from flash_write():
@@ -138,6 +146,7 @@ extern flash_info_t *flash_get_info(ulong base);
 #define ERR_UNKNOWN_FLASH_VENDOR       32
 #define ERR_UNKNOWN_FLASH_TYPE         64
 #define ERR_PROG_ERROR                 128
+#define ERR_BUSY                       256
  * Protection Flags for flash_protect():

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