Most of the time the optimised memset() is what we want. For extreme
situations such as TPL it may be too large. For example on the 'rock'
board, using a simple loop saves a useful 48 bytes. With gcc 4.9 and
the rodata bug, this patch is enough to reduce the TPL image below the

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

Changes in v2:
- Adjust the option to be SPL-only
- Change the option to default to off (name it CONFIG_SPL_TINY_MEMSET)

 lib/Kconfig  | 8 ++++++++
 lib/string.c | 6 ++++--
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/Kconfig b/lib/Kconfig
index 65c01573e1..58b5717dcd 100644
--- a/lib/Kconfig
+++ b/lib/Kconfig
@@ -52,6 +52,14 @@ config LIB_RAND
          This library provides pseudo-random number generator functions.
+       bool "Use a very small memset() in SPL"
+       help
+         The faster memset() is the arch-specific one (if available) enabled
+         by CONFIG_USE_ARCH_MEMSET. If that is not enabled, we can still get
+         better performance by write a word at a time. Enable this option
+         to reduce code size slightly at the cost of some speed.
 source lib/dhry/Kconfig
 source lib/rsa/Kconfig
diff --git a/lib/string.c b/lib/string.c
index 67d5f6a421..c1a28c14ce 100644
--- a/lib/string.c
+++ b/lib/string.c
@@ -437,8 +437,10 @@ char *strswab(const char *s)
 void * memset(void * s,int c,size_t count)
        unsigned long *sl = (unsigned long *) s;
-       unsigned long cl = 0;
        char *s8;
+       unsigned long cl = 0;
        int i;
        /* do it one word at a time (32 bits or 64 bits) while possible */
@@ -452,7 +454,7 @@ void * memset(void * s,int c,size_t count)
                        count -= sizeof(*sl);
-       /* fill 8 bits at a time */
+#endif /* fill 8 bits at a time */
        s8 = (char *)sl;
        while (count--)
                *s8++ = c;

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