Hi Heiko,

On 3 February 2017 at 09:09, Heiko Stuebner <he...@sntech.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> this is meant as a status update and possible discussion for
> the core parts if needed.
> After talking with Simon and Tom the order is now also correct
> with tpl -> spl -> uboot.
> Status right now is:
> - the full uboot still works
> - the tpl/spl does start and is able to configure the ddr
>   into a working state
> - The jump spl -> bootrom -> uboot doesn't work though
> On the other hand, Kever was able to make this work, booting
> from nand when building the image with a very ancient tool.
> All newer tools (including boot_merger.c from Rockchip's uboot)
> do not produce working images. But it is possible to produce
> a working sd-boot image using the proprietary 1st-stage loader.
> See the temporary mkuboot script in the last patch, which can
> create both types of images now (especially wrt. the needed
> rc4 encryption of everything).
> Combining this (it does work using some special tool), it looks
> like there is still some minor glitch in the way we build the
> spl image somewhere.

What should we do with this series? There are a few minor things to
resolve but other than that, do you think it is ready to apply?

The above problem could perhaps be resolved later if there is a
suitable README describing it?

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