On 01/24/2017 02:35 AM, Prabhakar Kushwaha wrote:
> Enable ELBC from Kconfig.
> Signed-off-by: Prabhakar Kushwaha <prabhakar.kushw...@nxp.com>
> ---
>  arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/Kconfig    | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  include/configs/MPC8313ERDB.h       |  1 -
>  include/configs/MPC8315ERDB.h       |  1 -
>  include/configs/MPC837XEMDS.h       |  1 -
>  include/configs/MPC837XERDB.h       |  1 -
>  include/configs/MPC8536DS.h         |  1 -
>  include/configs/MPC8569MDS.h        |  2 --
>  include/configs/MPC8572DS.h         |  1 -
>  include/configs/P1022DS.h           |  1 -
>  include/configs/P1023RDB.h          |  1 -
>  include/configs/P2041RDB.h          |  1 -
>  include/configs/UCP1020.h           |  1 -
>  include/configs/controlcenterd.h    |  1 -
>  include/configs/corenet_ds.h        |  1 -
>  include/configs/cyrus.h             |  1 -
>  include/configs/ids8313.h           |  2 --
>  include/configs/km/kmp204x-common.h |  1 -
>  include/configs/p1_p2_rdb_pc.h      |  1 -
>  include/configs/p1_twr.h            |  1 -
>  include/configs/ve8313.h            |  1 -
>  include/configs/xpedite537x.h       |  1 -
>  include/configs/xpedite550x.h       |  1 -
>  22 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)


Please test your changes on more platforms. I got a lot of compiling 
errors such as

+(MPC8540ADS) ../board/freescale/mpc8540ads/mpc8540ads.c: In function 
+(MPC8540ADS) ../board/freescale/mpc8540ads/mpc8540ads.c:126:5: error: 
'fsl_lbc_t' has no member named 'lsrt'
+(MPC8540ADS) ../board/freescale/mpc8540ads/mpc8540ads.c:133:5: error: 
'fsl_lbc_t' has no member named 'lsdmr'
+(MPC8540ADS) ../board/freescale/mpc8540ads/mpc8540ads.c:139:5: error: 
'fsl_lbc_t' has no member named 'lsdmr'
+(MPC8540ADS) ../board/freescale/mpc8540ads/mpc8540ads.c:145:5: error: 
'fsl_lbc_t' has no member named 'lsdmr'
+(MPC8540ADS) ../board/freescale/mpc8540ads/mpc8540ads.c:151:5: error: 
'fsl_lbc_t' has no member named 'lsdmr'
+(MPC8540ADS) ../board/freescale/mpc8540ads/mpc8540ads.c:157:5: error: 
'fsl_lbc_t' has no member named 'lsdmr'

It happens on MPC8313ERDB_NAND_66 MPC8540ADS MPC837XEMDS_HOST ve8313 
sbc8548_PCI_33_PCIE MPC8548CDS MPC8315ERDB MPC8541CDS MPC8555CDS_legacy 
MPC8548CDS_legacy MPC8541CDS_legacy sbc8548_PCI_33 MPC837XEMDS 
MPC8568MDS MPC8313ERDB_NAND_33 sbc8548_PCI_66 MPC8555CDS 
MPC8548CDS_36BIT sbc8548_PCI_66_PCIE MPC8313ERDB_33 sbc8548 MPC8560ADS 

I noticed you sent out v6 patch "as is". So this probably happens to the 
new version as well.


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