Hi Chi,

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 6:01 PM, Ding, ChiX <chix.d...@intel.com> wrote:
> Hi Bin
> Thanks for the reply. I'm working on Intel Denvernton Board.  As you 
> suggested I'm debugging it
> using DM PCI now. In the device tree file, I define PCI as this, but I don't 
> know what is missing so
> that AHCI isn't probed
>         pci {
>                 compatible = "pci-x86";
>                 #address-cells = <3>;
>                 #size-cells = <2>;
>                 u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
>         };
> In coreboot.h, I define
> #define CONFIG_SCSI
> #define CONFIG_SYS_64BIT_LBA
>                         0x19b2},              \
>         {PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,           \
>                         0x19c2}
> U-Boot dm tree command shows pci isn't probed.
> => dm tree
>  Class       Probed   Name
> ----------------------------------------
>  root        [ + ]    root_driver
>  keyboard    [ + ]    |-- keyboard
>  serial      [ + ]    |-- serial
>  rtc         [   ]    |-- rtc
>  timer       [ + ]    |-- tsc-timer
>  pci         [   ]    `-- pci
> => dm uclass
> uclass 0: root
> - * root_driver @ 7f4e9040, seq 0, (req -1)
> uclass 9: simple_bus
> uclass 11: ahci
> uclass 12: blk
> uclass 14: cpu
> uclass 19: gpio
> uclass 24: irq
> uclass 25: keyboard
> - * keyboard @ 7f4e90c8, seq 0, (req -1)
> uclass 27: lpc
> uclass 34: northbridge
> uclass 37: pch
> uclass 38: pci
> -   pci @ 7f4e92c0
> uclass 39: pci_generic
> uclass 50: rtc
> -   rtc @ 7f4e91d0
> uclass 51: serial
> - * serial @ 7f4e9140, seq 0, (req -1)
> uclass 52: spi
> uclass 54: spi_flash
> uclass 55: spi_generic
> uclass 56: syscon
> uclass 59: timer
> - * tsc-timer @ 7f4e9248, seq 0, (req -1)
> uclass 60: tpm
> Thanks a lot,
> Chi

Please do not top-posting.

The reason is that PCI is not probed so that AHCI driver is not probed
too. Can you please run pci command from U-Boot shell?

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