Add support for rk3288 dram capacity auto detect, support DDR3 and
LPDDR3, DDR2 is not supported.
The program will automatically detect:
- channel number
- rank number
- column address number
- row address number

The dts file do not need to describe those info after apply this patch.

Signed-off-by: Kever Yang <>
Tested-by: Simon Glass <>
Tested-by: Vagrant Cascadian <>

Changes in v3:
- add error report and return value when error happen
- add comments for stride and address bits.

Changes in v2:
- update code for OF_PLATDATA enabled
- bug fix for ddrconfig

 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/sdram.h   |  15 ++
 arch/arm/mach-rockchip/rk3288/sdram_rk3288.c | 272 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 245 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/sdram.h 
index 82c3d07..d7d67ba 100644
--- a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/sdram.h
+++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-rockchip/sdram.h
@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ enum {
 struct rk3288_sdram_channel {
+       /*
+        * bit width in address, eg:
+        * 8 banks using 3 bit to address,
+        * 2 cs using 1 bit to address.
+        */
        u8 rank;
        u8 col;
        u8 bk;
@@ -87,6 +92,16 @@ struct rk3288_base_params {
        u32 ddrconfig;
        u32 ddr_freq;
        u32 dramtype;
+       /*
+        * DDR Stride is address mapping for DRAM space
+        * Stride       Ch 0 range      Ch1 range       Total
+        * 0x00         0-256MB         256MB-512MB     512MB
+        * 0x05         0-1GB           0-1GB           1GB
+        * 0x09         0-2GB           0-2GB           2GB
+        * 0x0d         0-4GB           0-4GB           4GB
+        * 0x17         N/A             0-4GB           4GB
+        * 0x1a         0-4GB           4GB-8GB         8GB
+        */
        u32 stride;
        u32 odt;
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/rk3288/sdram_rk3288.c 
index cf9ef2e..a7eadc5 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/rk3288/sdram_rk3288.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/rk3288/sdram_rk3288.c
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ struct rk3288_sdram_params {
        struct regmap *map;
+#define TEST_PATTEN    0x5aa5f00f
+#define DQS_GATE_TRAINING_ERROR_RANK0  (1 << 4)
+#define DQS_GATE_TRAINING_ERROR_RANK1  (2 << 4)
 static void copy_to_reg(u32 *dest, const u32 *src, u32 n)
@@ -214,7 +218,7 @@ static void ddr_set_en_bst_odt(struct rk3288_grf *grf, uint 
 static void pctl_cfg(u32 channel, struct rk3288_ddr_pctl *pctl,
-                    const struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params,
+                    struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params,
                     struct rk3288_grf *grf)
        unsigned int burstlen;
@@ -264,7 +268,7 @@ static void pctl_cfg(u32 channel, struct rk3288_ddr_pctl 
 static void phy_cfg(const struct chan_info *chan, u32 channel,
-                   const struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
+                   struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
        struct rk3288_ddr_publ *publ = chan->publ;
        struct rk3288_msch *msch = chan->msch;
@@ -446,7 +450,7 @@ static void set_bandwidth_ratio(const struct chan_info 
*chan, u32 channel,
 static int data_training(const struct chan_info *chan, u32 channel,
-                        const struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
+                        struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
        unsigned int j;
        int ret = 0;
@@ -549,7 +553,7 @@ static void move_to_access_state(const struct chan_info 
 static void dram_cfg_rbc(const struct chan_info *chan, u32 chnum,
-                        const struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
+                        struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
        struct rk3288_ddr_publ *publ = chan->publ;
@@ -563,7 +567,7 @@ static void dram_cfg_rbc(const struct chan_info *chan, u32 
 static void dram_all_config(const struct dram_info *dram,
-                           const struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
+                           struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
        unsigned int chan;
        u32 sys_reg = 0;
@@ -589,9 +593,191 @@ static void dram_all_config(const struct dram_info *dram,
        writel(sys_reg, &dram->pmu->sys_reg[2]);
        rk_clrsetreg(&dram->sgrf->soc_con2, 0x1f, sdram_params->base.stride);
+const int ddrconf_table[] = {
+       /* row      col,bw */
+       0,
+       ((1 << 4) | 1),
+       ((2 << 4) | 1),
+       ((3 << 4) | 1),
+       ((4 << 4) | 1),
+       ((1 << 4) | 2),
+       ((2 << 4) | 2),
+       ((3 << 4) | 2),
+       ((1 << 4) | 0),
+       ((2 << 4) | 0),
+       ((3 << 4) | 0),
+       0,
+       0,
+       0,
+       0,
+       ((4 << 4) | 2),
+static int sdram_rank_bw_detect(struct dram_info *dram, int channel,
+               struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
+       int reg;
+       int need_trainig = 0;
+       const struct chan_info *chan = &dram->chan[channel];
+       struct rk3288_ddr_publ *publ = chan->publ;
+       if (-1 == data_training(chan, channel, sdram_params)) {
+               reg = readl(&publ->datx8[0].dxgsr[0]);
+               /* Check the result for rank 0 */
+               if ((channel == 0) && (reg & DQS_GATE_TRAINING_ERROR_RANK0)) {
+                       debug("data training fail!\n");
+                               return -EIO;
+               } else if ((channel == 1) &&
+                          (reg & DQS_GATE_TRAINING_ERROR_RANK0)) {
+                       sdram_params->num_channels = 1;
+               }
+               /* Check the result for rank 1 */
+               if (reg & DQS_GATE_TRAINING_ERROR_RANK1) {
+                       sdram_params->ch[channel].rank = 1;
+                       clrsetbits_le32(&publ->pgcr, 0xF << 18,
+                                       sdram_params->ch[channel].rank << 18);
+                       need_trainig = 1;
+               }
+               reg = readl(&publ->datx8[2].dxgsr[0]);
+               if (reg & (1 << 4)) {
+                       sdram_params->ch[channel].bw = 1;
+                       set_bandwidth_ratio(chan, channel,
+                                           sdram_params->ch[channel].bw,
+                                           dram->grf);
+                       need_trainig = 1;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Assume the Die bit width are the same with the chip bit width */
+       sdram_params->ch[channel].dbw = sdram_params->ch[channel].bw;
+       if (need_trainig &&
+           (-1 == data_training(chan, channel, sdram_params))) {
+               if (sdram_params->base.dramtype == LPDDR3) {
+                       ddr_phy_ctl_reset(dram->cru, channel, 1);
+                       udelay(10);
+                       ddr_phy_ctl_reset(dram->cru, channel, 0);
+                       udelay(10);
+               }
+               debug("2nd data training failed!");
+               return -EIO;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int sdram_col_row_detect(struct dram_info *dram, int channel,
+               struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
+       int row, col;
+       unsigned int addr;
+       const struct chan_info *chan = &dram->chan[channel];
+       struct rk3288_ddr_pctl *pctl = chan->pctl;
+       struct rk3288_ddr_publ *publ = chan->publ;
+       int ret = 0;
+       /* Detect col */
+       for (col = 11; col >= 9; col--) {
+               writel(0, CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE);
+               addr = CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE +
+                       (1 << (col + sdram_params->ch[channel].bw - 1));
+               writel(TEST_PATTEN, addr);
+               if ((readl(addr) == TEST_PATTEN) &&
+                   (readl(CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE) == 0))
+                       break;
+       }
+       if (col == 8) {
+               printf("Col detect error\n");
+               ret = -EINVAL;
+               goto out;
+       } else {
+               sdram_params->ch[channel].col = col;
+       }
+       move_to_config_state(publ, pctl);
+       writel(4, &chan->msch->ddrconf);
+       move_to_access_state(chan);
+       /* Detect row*/
+       for (row = 16; row >= 12; row--) {
+               writel(0, CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE);
+               addr = CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE + (1 << (row + 15 - 1));
+               writel(TEST_PATTEN, addr);
+               if ((readl(addr) == TEST_PATTEN) &&
+                   (readl(CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE) == 0))
+                       break;
+       }
+       if (row == 11) {
+               printf("Row detect error\n");
+               ret = -EINVAL;
+       } else {
+               sdram_params->ch[channel].cs1_row = row;
+               sdram_params->ch[channel].row_3_4 = 0;
+               debug("chn %d col %d, row %d\n", channel, col, row);
+               sdram_params->ch[channel].cs0_row = row;
+       }
+       return ret;
+static int sdram_get_niu_config(struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
+       int i, tmp, size, ret = 0;
+       tmp = sdram_params->ch[0].col - 9;
+       tmp -= (sdram_params->ch[0].bw == 2) ? 0 : 1;
+       tmp |= ((sdram_params->ch[0].cs0_row - 12) << 4);
+       size = sizeof(ddrconf_table)/sizeof(ddrconf_table[0]);
+       for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+               if (tmp == ddrconf_table[i])
+                       break;
+       if (i >= size) {
+               printf("niu config not found\n");
+               ret = -EINVAL;
+       } else {
+               sdram_params->base.ddrconfig = i;
+       }
+       return ret;
+static int sdram_get_stride(struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
+       int stride = -1;
+       int ret = 0;
+       long cap = sdram_params->num_channels * (1u <<
+                       (sdram_params->ch[0].cs0_row +
+                        sdram_params->ch[0].col +
+                        (sdram_params->ch[0].rank - 1) +
+                        sdram_params->ch[0].bw +
+                        3 - 20));
+       switch (cap) {
+       case 512:
+               stride = 0;
+               break;
+       case 1024:
+               stride = 5;
+               break;
+       case 2048:
+               stride = 9;
+               break;
+       case 4096:
+               stride = 0xd;
+               break;
+       default:
+               stride = -1;
+               printf("could not find correct stride, cap error!\n");
+               ret = -EINVAL;
+               break;
+       }
+       sdram_params->base.stride = stride;
+       return ret;
 static int sdram_init(struct dram_info *dram,
-                     const struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
+                     struct rk3288_sdram_params *sdram_params)
        int channel;
        int zqcr;
@@ -619,12 +805,14 @@ static int sdram_init(struct dram_info *dram,
                struct rk3288_ddr_pctl *pctl = chan->pctl;
                struct rk3288_ddr_publ *publ = chan->publ;
+               /* map all the 4GB space to the current channel */
+               if (channel)
+                       rk_clrsetreg(&dram->sgrf->soc_con2, 0x1f, 0x17);
+               else
+                       rk_clrsetreg(&dram->sgrf->soc_con2, 0x1f, 0x1a);
                phy_pctrl_reset(dram->cru, publ, channel);
                phy_dll_bypass_set(publ, sdram_params->base.ddr_freq);
-               if (channel >= sdram_params->num_channels)
-                       continue;
                dfi_cfg(pctl, sdram_params->base.dramtype);
                pctl_cfg(channel, pctl, sdram_params, dram->grf);
@@ -658,16 +846,20 @@ static int sdram_init(struct dram_info *dram,
+               /* Using 32bit bus width for detect */
+               sdram_params->ch[channel].bw = 2;
                set_bandwidth_ratio(chan, channel,
                                    sdram_params->ch[channel].bw, dram->grf);
-                * set cs
+                * set cs, using n=3 for detect
                 * CS0, n=1
                 * CS1, n=2
                 * CS0 & CS1, n = 3
+               sdram_params->ch[channel].rank = 2,
                clrsetbits_le32(&publ->pgcr, 0xF << 18,
                                (sdram_params->ch[channel].rank | 1) << 18);
                /* DS=40ohm,ODT=155ohm */
                zqcr = 1 << ZDEN_SHIFT | 2 << PU_ONDIE_SHIFT |
                        2 << PD_ONDIE_SHIFT | 0x19 << PU_OUTPUT_SHIFT |
@@ -693,16 +885,8 @@ static int sdram_init(struct dram_info *dram,
-               if (-1 == data_training(chan, channel, sdram_params)) {
-                       if (sdram_params->base.dramtype == LPDDR3) {
-                               ddr_phy_ctl_reset(dram->cru, channel, 1);
-                               udelay(10);
-                               ddr_phy_ctl_reset(dram->cru, channel, 0);
-                               udelay(10);
-                       }
-                       debug("failed!");
-                       return -EIO;
-               }
+               /* Detect the rank and bit-width with data-training */
+               sdram_rank_bw_detect(dram, channel, sdram_params);
                if (sdram_params->base.dramtype == LPDDR3) {
                        u32 i;
@@ -710,12 +894,31 @@ static int sdram_init(struct dram_info *dram,
                        for (i = 0; i < 17; i++)
                                send_command_op(pctl, 1, MRR_CMD, i, 0);
+               writel(15, &chan->msch->ddrconf);
+               /* DDR3 and LPDDR3 are always 8 bank, no need detect */
+               sdram_params->ch[channel].bk = 3;
+               /* Detect Col and Row number*/
+               ret = sdram_col_row_detect(dram, channel, sdram_params);
+               if (ret)
+                       goto error;
+       /* Find NIU DDR configuration */
+       ret = sdram_get_niu_config(sdram_params);
+       if (ret)
+               goto error;
+       /* Find stride setting */
+       ret = sdram_get_stride(sdram_params);
+       if (ret)
+               goto error;
        dram_all_config(dram, sdram_params);
        debug("%s done\n", __func__);
        return 0;
+       printf("DRAM init failed!\n");
+       hang();
 #endif /* CONFIG_SPL_BUILD */
@@ -743,7 +946,6 @@ size_t sdram_size_mb(struct rk3288_pmu *pmu)
                row_3_4 = sys_reg >> SYS_REG_ROW_3_4_SHIFT(ch) &
                chipsize_mb = (1 << (cs0_row + col + bk + bw - 20));
                if (rank > 1)
@@ -814,21 +1016,10 @@ static int rk3288_dmc_ofdata_to_platdata(struct udevice 
        struct rk3288_sdram_params *params = dev_get_platdata(dev);
        const void *blob = gd->fdt_blob;
        int node = dev->of_offset;
-       int i, ret;
-       params->num_channels = fdtdec_get_int(blob, node,
-                                             "rockchip,num-channels", 1);
-       for (i = 0; i < params->num_channels; i++) {
-               ret = fdtdec_get_byte_array(blob, node,
-                                           "rockchip,sdram-channel",
-                                           (u8 *)&params->ch[i],
-                                           sizeof(params->ch[i]));
-               if (ret) {
-                       debug("%s: Cannot read rockchip,sdram-channel\n",
-                             __func__);
-                       return -EINVAL;
-               }
-       }
+       int ret;
+       /* Rk3288 supports dual-channel, set default channel num to 2 */
+       params->num_channels = 2;
        ret = fdtdec_get_int_array(blob, node, "rockchip,pctl-timing",
                                   (u32 *)&params->pctl_timing,
                                   sizeof(params->pctl_timing) / sizeof(u32));
@@ -869,18 +1060,15 @@ static int conv_of_platdata(struct udevice *dev)
        struct rk3288_sdram_params *plat = dev_get_platdata(dev);
        struct dtd_rockchip_rk3288_dmc *of_plat = &plat->of_plat;
-       int i, ret;
+       int ret;
-       for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-               memcpy(&plat->ch[i], of_plat->rockchip_sdram_channel,
-                      sizeof(plat->ch[i]));
-       }
        memcpy(&plat->pctl_timing, of_plat->rockchip_pctl_timing,
        memcpy(&plat->phy_timing, of_plat->rockchip_phy_timing,
        memcpy(&plat->base, of_plat->rockchip_sdram_params, sizeof(plat->base));
-       plat->num_channels = of_plat->rockchip_num_channels;
+       /* Rk3288 supports dual-channel, set default channel num to 2 */
+       plat->num_channels = 2;
        ret = regmap_init_mem_platdata(dev, of_plat->reg,
                                       ARRAY_SIZE(of_plat->reg) / 2,

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