From: Luigi 'Comio' Mantellini <>

This patch rewrites the miiphybb ( Bit-banged MII bus driver ) in order to
support an arbitrary number of buses. This feature is useful when your board
uses different mii buses for different phys and all (or a part) of these buses
are implemented via bit-banging mode.

The driver requires that the following macros should be defined into the board
configuration file:

CONFIG_BITBANGMII       - Enable the miiphybb driver
CONFIG_BITBANGMII_MULTI - Enable the multi bus support

If the CONFIG_BITBANGMII_MULTI is not defined, the board's config file needs to 
the following macros:

MII_INIT      - Generic cod to enable the MII bus (like gpios setup)
MDIO_DECLARE  - Declaration needed to access to the MDIO pin
MDIO_ACTIVE   - Activate the MDIO pin as out pin
MDIO_TRISTATE - Activate the MDIO pin as input/tristate pin
MDIO_READ     - Read the MDIO pin
MDIO(v)       - Write v on the MDIO pin
MDC_DECLARE   - Declaration needed to access to the MDC pin
MDC(v)        - Write v on the MDC pin

The previous macros make the driver compatible with the previous version
(that didn't support the multi-bus).

When the CONFIG_BITBANGMII_MULTI is defined, the board code needs to fill the
bbmiibusses[] array with a record for each required bus.
The record (struct bbmiibus) has the following fields/callbacks (see miiphy.h 

char name[]            - The symbolic name that must be equal to the MII bus 
int (*init)()          - Initialization function called at startup time (just 
before the
                         Ethernet initialization)
int (*mdio_active)()   - Activate the MDIO pin as output
int (*mdio_tristate)() - Activate the MDIO pin as input/tristate pin
int (*set_mdio)()      - Write the MDIO pin
int (*get_mdio)()      - Read the MDIO pin
int (*set_mdc)()       - Write the MDC pin
int (*delay)()         - Delay function
void *priv             - Private data used by board specific code

The board code will look like:

struct bbmiibus bbmiibusses[] = {
 { .name = "miibus#1", .init = b1_init, .mdio_active = b1_mdio_active, ... },
 { .name = "miibus#2", .init = b2_init, .mdio_active = b2_mdio_active, ... },

Patch Changelog:

v1 -- First (broken) release
v2 -- Fix some typos and disable callbacks pointers relacation (if
      CONFIG_RELOC_FIXUP_WORKS is not defined)
v3 -- Do not relocate NULL pointers

Luigi 'Comio' Mantellini (3):
  Bit-banged MII driver with multi-bus support.
  Add bb_miiphy_init call before any ethernet bring-up code.
  Update all board to support new bbmiiphy driver (with multibus

 drivers/net/phy/miiphybb.c   |  324 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 include/configs/ISPAN.h      |    3 +
 include/configs/MPC8260ADS.h |    2 +
 include/configs/MPC8266ADS.h |    3 +
 include/configs/MPC8560ADS.h |    3 +
 include/configs/Rattler.h    |    3 +
 include/configs/SBC8540.h    |    3 +
 include/configs/TQM8272.h    |    2 +
 include/configs/VoVPN-GW.h   |    3 +
 include/configs/ZPC1900.h    |    3 +
 include/configs/ep8248.h     |    3 +
 include/configs/ep82xxm.h    |    3 +
 include/configs/gw8260.h     |    3 +
 include/configs/hymod.h      |    9 ++
 include/configs/muas3001.h   |    3 +
 include/configs/ppmc8260.h   |    3 +
 include/configs/sacsng.h     |    3 +
 include/configs/sbc8260.h    |    3 +
 include/configs/sbc8560.h    |    3 +
 include/miiphy.h             |   22 +++
 lib_arm/board.c              |    3 +
 lib_avr32/board.c            |    3 +
 lib_blackfin/board.c         |    3 +
 lib_i386/board.c             |    3 +
 lib_m68k/board.c             |    3 +
 lib_mips/board.c             |    3 +
 lib_ppc/board.c              |    4 +-
 lib_sh/board.c               |    3 +
 lib_sparc/board.c            |    3 +
 29 files changed, 335 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

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